“COW” Vocabulary Chapters 13-16
Chapter 13 “New York” meticulous (adj.) meh-tic-ye-les showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
Chapter 14 absolved (verb) ab-zolved Set or declare someone free from blame, guilt, responsibility clairvoyant (adj.) klair-voi-uh-nt exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future; to have exceptional insight ethics (noun) eth-iks moral principles that govern a person’s behavior; rules of conduct
philosophy (noun) fi-los-uh-fee The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and truth insular (adj.) in-suh-ler standing alone like an island; isolated burly (adj.) ber-lee (of a person) large and strong; heavily built lithe (adj.) lie-th (especially of a person’s body) thin, bending easily
Chapter 16 immaculate (adj.) ih-mak-yuh-lit (especially of a person or their clothes) perfectly clean, neat, or tidy. dissipation (*verb*) dis-uh-pey-shun scattering in different directions, to break up (To cause to separate and go in different directions, gradually vanishing)