Natura 2000 Preparatory Actions Designation and management of SACs Co-ordinating Group on Biodiversity and Nature Brussels, 10 April 2008
Preparatory Actions for Natura 2000 - Lot 2 1. Information on the SACs designation process and management Provide an exhaustive overview of the procedures followed in the 27 Member States for the designation of SACs and for the establishment of conservation measures; Improve the understanding of and the exchange of information, experience and good practice on the application of integrated management to Natura 2000 sites.
Preparatory Actions for Natura 2000 – Lot 2 2. Elaboration of a new communication tool on socio- economic development in Natura 2000 sites Networking and exchange of experience between actors from different sectors who are involved in socio-economic activities or development projects (urbanism, infrastructure, industry, transport, agriculture, forestry, tourism…) in and around Natura 2000 sites; Build on the experience from the past and existing Natura 2000 networking projects; User-friendly instrument allowing stakeholders from different economic sectors to exchange information on solution finding.
Communication tool on socio-economic development in Natura 2000 sites - Continued Active involvement of the respective economic sectors will be required. This involvement will be on a free and voluntary basis. Each sector will be given a large degree of flexibility to use its space ("niche") in the system. Link with work on estuaries and coastal zones: Ports sector as an example of proactive involvement. Other economic sectors invited to follow the example (Tourism, agriculture, road/rail transport sector,…).
Preparatory Actions for Natura 2000 – Lot 2 3 Preparatory Actions for Natura 2000 – Lot 2 3. The ‘Natura 2000 Partner Reward Scheme’ 'NATURA 2000 PARTNER' rewarded to public or private institutions or organisation, communes, cities, NGOs, enterprises, individuals, etc., having special merits in contributing to the integrated management of or the awareness raising on Natura 2000 sites. The selection of 'NATURA 2000 PARTNERS' will be made on a yearly basis by national selection committees to be established by / in the Member States The 'NATURA 2000 PARTNER of the year' will be awarded by the Commission and selected out of the NATURA 2000 PARTNERS designated by the Member States
New Preparatory Actions in 2008 1. Dealing with conflicts in the context of the implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network. This action will review the experience to date and try to identify common principles and collect good practice models. 2. Natura 2000 and its relationship with other initiatives which serve to protect biodiversity. This action will explore the relationship between Natura sites and the surrounding areas and assess the relationship between Natura sites, urban re-generation projects, parks and green spaces.
New Preparatory Actions in 2008 (continued) 3. The economic and social benefits associated with Natura 2000. This action will develop good practice models for the development of sustainable models of deriving economic and social benefits from the Natura 2000 network.