MICROFIP-Do we need further tests? 28th June 2011


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Presentation transcript:

MICROFIP-Do we need further tests? 28th June 2011 G. Spiezia (EN/STI) 05/05/2019

Outline Summary of the existing chips How Microfip is used in LHC Past radiation tests –brief summary List of confirmed failures Can one give a cross section per equipment? Discussion 05/05/2019

Existing Chip - Summary Manufacturer/Version Technology 1) VLSI Technology 9838 N363921 2) Philips 0246 Y42350Y1 0.6 µm 1) ON Semiconductor 0907LNP 15016-530 2) AMI Semiconductor 0839LXT 15016-530 0.5 µm (Thanks Reiner, Julien) 0.6 mm 0.6 mm 05/05/2019

Existing Chip - Summary Manufacturer/Version Technology VLSI Technology 9838 N363921 / Philips 0246 Y42350Y1 0.6 µm ON Semiconductor 0907LNP 15016-530 / AMI Semiconductor 0839LXT 15016-530 0.5 µm 0.5 mm 05/05/2019

How MicroFip is used in LHC Stand Alone the main configuration is set by switch and then is stored in an internal register  (power cycle to change configuration) 2 ports for data exchange Micro-controlled: The main configuration can be set by the microcontroller (Is a power cycle needed?) Memory for data exchange 05/05/2019

How MicroFip is used in LHC Users RADMON: stand-alone Survey: Stand alone and Micro-controlled (FIPADUC) QPS: Micro-controlled (FIPADUC) Cryogenics: Micro-controlled (FPGA) Power Converter: Micro-controlled (?) BPM: Micro-controlled (FPGA antifuse) Different use, different microcontroller, different bus speed (31.25 kb/s, 1 Mb/s, 2.5 Mb/s) 05/05/2019

Radiation tests Test on the microfip for the LHC cryogenic 2002 Micro-controlled mode – chip 0.6 mm PSI-60 MeV Main results: current increase with TID and s=1e-8 err/cm2 No latch-up 1 SEU on the configuration register required a power cycle J. Casas-Cubillos et All, “SEU tests performed on the digital communication system for LHC cryogenic instrumentation” 05/05/2019

Radiation tests Test on the microfip for the LHC cryogenic 2002 Micro-controlled mode – chip 0.6 mm PSI-60 MeV Main results: current increase with TID and s=1e-8 err/cm2 No latch-up 1 SEU on the configuration register required a power cycle J. Casas-Cubillos et All, “SEU tests performed on the digital communication system for LHC cryogenic instrumentation” ?? From the plot, s=1e-10 err/cm2 ?? 05/05/2019

Radiation tests Test on the microfip for the LHC cryogenic 2006 Stand alone mode – chip 0.6 and 0.5 mm Co-60, PSI-60 MeV, 1 MeV eq. Main results: current increase with TID (more severe with Co-60) and with 1 MeV eq. (test up to 5e12 n/cm2) MicroFIp 0.5 mm shows functional interrupts recovered by power cycle T. Wijnands, c. Pignard “Radiation tolerance of the WorldFIP field bus interface”’ LHC project note 385 05/05/2019

Radiation tests Test on the microfip for the LHC cryogenic 2006 Stand alone mode – chip 0.6 and 0.5 mm Co-60, PSI-60 MeV, 1 MeV eq. Main results: current increase with TID (more severe with Co-60) and with 1 MeV eq. (test up to 5e12 n/cm2) MicroFIp 0.5 mm shows functional interrupts recovered by power cycle (statistics on the number of errors is not reported) T. Wijnands, c. Pignard “Radiation tolerance of the WorldFIP field bus interface”’ LHC project note 385 05/05/2019

Radiation tests CNRAD: test of entire boards (The list might not be complete) QPS Cryogenics (Report on the RADWG website) BPM Main results: “The cross section of the tested boards is low enough to be used in the LHC tunnel and in the shielded areas” 05/05/2019

List of Failures so far ... Cryogenics Control and readout on WORLDFIP – 1Confirmed (0.6 mm chip) Location: Injection line TI2 (cell8L2-caused by a beam loss) Type of failure: Block of the FIP communication QPS:– 1Confirmed (0.6 mm chip) + other doubtful Location: Arc 05/05/2019

Main Question – R2E project Given that NanoFIP will be tested at the end of the year Only QPS has started a prototype board to use the NanoFIP Coexistence of MicroFIP and NanoFip is not excluded Can one give the rate of the failures due to the microfip per equipment? Is it low enough to avoid frequent interrupts for the tunnel equipment when LHC will run with 25 ns bunch spacing? Ideally tests are needed to figure out the cross section for SEFI of the MicroFIP Test must be representative of the use in real conditions Stand alone- micro controlled New (0.5 mm) Old (0.6 mm) chip Discriminate the influence of the microcontroller 05/05/2019

Discussion What is needed: What are your points??? QPS: Cryogenics: Use of Spare cards – if available FIPDIAG card (J. Palluel) could be used BUT it is quite busy to isolate the parts under beam Software for remote control Common Effort What are your points??? QPS: Cryogenics: Power Converter: 05/05/2019