Aim: What is Weather and Climate? Do Now: Using your own knowledge, write about the similarities and differences between weather and climate.
Definitions: A) Weather: refers to the state of the atmosphere at any given time and place.
B) Climate: observations of weather that have been collected over many years. - It is used to describe a place or region.
II. Classifying climates Averages of temperature and precipitation are used to classify climates. (described as annual or yearly) temperature Precipitation 4
III. Types of climates: Tropical: have no winter Mid-Latitude: have mild to sever winters Dry: precipitation is less than evaporation Polar: warmest month is below 500F 5
Closure: If you were to take a trip to a different country, which would you rather know before taking your trip. Would you rather know the weather of the area or would you rather know the climate of the area? WHY?????