The Catholic Reformation Ch 11-4 (Part 1) The Catholic Reformation
Bellringer: Thursday 1 .Who was John Calvin? 2. What were the main beliefs of Calvinism? 3. Why did England break apart from the Cathoic Church? (Events leading to split)
Success Criteria I can identify the causes of key conflicts occurring between England and France.
The Catholic Reformation 1500’s-1600’s Catholics wanted to improve the Church. Wanted to stop the spread of Protestantism. The Catholic Reformation regained some areas of Europe.
Catholic Reforms Pope Paul III Called a council of Bishops. Met between 1545 – 1563. Looked to reforms. Council of Trent – ended the sale of indulgences. Set strict rules of behavior for Bishops and Priests. Set-up seminaries to train Priests. 1540 Ignatius of Loyola -New order of Priests, Jesuits.
Catholic Spain Protestant ideas were not popular in Spain. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella united Spain in 1469 1400’s Muslims, Christians and Jews all lived in Spain. Spain’s rulers pushed Jews and Muslims to convert to Catholicism.
Spanish Inquisition The Spanish Inquisition was a religious court. Planned to punish those guilty of Heresy. Tomas de Torquemada led the Sp. inq. Used torture, About 2000 Spaniards killed. 1492 – All Jews ordered to convert or leave, 10 years later Muslims ordered to do the same. Don Quixote written during this time.