Guidebook and “MIP” Actions Recommend acceptance of GB (all chapters) to EMEP SB. Opportunity to make minor editorial changes after May. Collation of Development Plans from EPs by Chair, following this meeting. Addition of “on-going” management tasks. “MIP” report written, circulated to TFEIP Committee, and then submitted to EMEP SB.
TFEIP 2010 Workplan Chris Dore
TFEIP Workplan 2010 GB Maintenance & Improvement Plan (MIP), and TFEIP Development Plan 2009: Develop a plan for future maintenance and improvement of the EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook in cooperation with EEA; Undertake GB updates as indicated in the GB amendment reports collated from the EPs. Focus on GB updates in line with revisions to the Protocols Liaise with those undertaking work items identified on the GB Maintenance Plan, where these have been supported.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Management Finalise the draft Roles and Responsibilities document.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Review 2009: Evaluate and support the stage 2 and stage 3 review processes, and consider a plan for future maintenance and improvement of guidelines for reviewers and templates for review reports; Support Stage 2 and 3 review processes, and in particular target the identification of, and encourage nominations of, additional individuals for the roster of experts for Stage 3.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Informative Inventory Reports Liaise with parties who have not ever submitted an IIR, and compile a short report on the reasons given, and actions to facilitate more complete reporting.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Former Soviet Union Countries 2009: Consider actions to improve emission reporting from EECCA countries in order to cover the extended EMEP area with officially reported data, with the aim of reducing expert estimates to the extent possible; Liaise with, review and document the priority improvement areas for the former Soviet Union countries, with the specific aim of encouraging targeted support.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Metals and POPs 2009: Consider and propose further actions to close the gap between official emission data for heavy metals and POPs as well as modelling results in close collaboration with the modelling community (TFEIP, Task Force on Measurements and Modelling (TFMM), MSC-E); Continue to provide a forum for sharing new research findings on metal and POP emissions, to facilitate improvements to national emission estimates.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Links with Industry/EGTEI Encourage targeted contribution to specific EP meetings and GB development, by identifying, and then inviting representatives from industry.
TFEIP Workplan 2010 Next Meeting 2009: TFEIP will hold its twenty-second meeting from 11 to 12 May 2009 in Vienna, and report thereon to the thirty-third session of the EMEP Steering Body. TFEIP will hold its twenty-third meeting in Spring 2010 in , and report thereon to the thirty-fourth session of the EMEP Steering Body. CYPRUS