Landscape-scale grey squirrel control across Scotland Dr Gwen Maggs
Mark Medcalf © Introduction Invasive species are a global threat to native biodiversity In the UK grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) have been one of the most detrimental Grey squirrels are native to USA and Canada Introduced to UK in the 19th Century As a result native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) populations are on the brink of extinction across much of the UK 75% of the population remaining in Scotland @ScotSquirrels
@ScotSquirrels Curioso Photography © © Craig Shuttleworth/RSST @ScotSquirrels
Conservation Management Raymond Leinster © Conservation Management Conservation projects across the UK work tirelessly to control grey squirrels To preserve the remaining, isolated red squirrel populations Grey squirrel eradication has been achieved on Anglesey, Wales Our project is tackling the whole of Scotland, taking a landscape-scape approach @ScotSquirrels
What do we do as a project? Steve Gardner © What do we do as a project? Our aim is to halt the decline in red squirrel populations across Scotland Improve conditions for viable populations into the future To date we have proven that large-scale grey squirrel control can stabilise and increase red squirrel populations and although it cannot prevent squirrelpox spread it enables red populations to survive where outbreaks occur @ScotSquirrels
What about the future? Grey squirrels are a continuous threat Raymond Leinster © Sam McDiarmid © What about the future? Grey squirrels are a continuous threat Reducing or removing management is not an option and will result in the extirpation of reds from across Scotland Long-term management required Project commitment Financial support Volunteer power @ScotSquirrels
Developing Community Action No Bad Photos © What about the future? Developing Community Action Grey squirrels are a continuous threat Reducing or removing management will result in the extirpation of reds from across Scotland Legacy is integral Local communities taking a vital role Building Community Engagement Empower volunteers and landowners to take ownership of local red squirrels Long-term sustainability @ScotSquirrels @ScotSquirrels Web-based Community Hub Complete online resource Information Data recording Training and support Creating a Scottish network @ScotSquirrels
Who can use the Hub? Squirrel spotters Pete Cairns © Who can use the Hub? Squirrel spotters @ScotSquirrels
Create an account to keep a personal sightings record across Scotland @ScotSquirrels
Who can use the Hub? Volunteers Curioso Photography © Who can use the Hub? Volunteers @ScotSquirrels
Survey volunteers can view survey results as soon as they are confirmed… @ScotSquirrels
…and view results across the country @ScotSquirrels
Trapping volunteers can enter their data online… @ScotSquirrels
…and view results across the country @ScotSquirrels
Volunteers can also view their training record and report volunteering hours @ScotSquirrels
Who can use the Hub? Network members Raymond Leinster © Who can use the Hub? Network members @ScotSquirrels
Use the directory to connect with a local volunteer network @ScotSquirrels
Invite new members to the group Networks can… Invite new members to the group View regional sightings and trapping data Managing trapping data Post events and documents Communicate via messaging Communicate via messaging and the forum @ScotSquirrels
Who can use the Hub? SSRS Staff Managing sightings data Managing survey data Managing trapping data People manager Supporting volunteers and networks @ScotSquirrels
Conclusion Landscape-scale grey squirrel control is working Raymond Leinster © Conclusion Landscape-scale grey squirrel control is working Red squirrel populations are stable or recovering Long-term term management required Developing Community Action Establish a volunteer network Supported through the hub Create project legacy and sustainability @ScotSquirrels
Raymond Leinster © Conclusion Above all, protect the red squirrels across Scotland and ensure their survival into the future Martin Patten © 2022…. © Craig Shuttleworth/RSST © Craig Shuttleworth/RSST @ScotSquirrels
Thank you @ScotSquirrels