Monday, April 9, 2018 - Common Mistakes POSSESSIVE NOUNS NOTES To make singular nouns ending in s possessive, add an apostrophe and an s to the end of the word, just as you would with a word ending in w or t or any other letter. For example, grass becomes grass’s, mantis becomes mantis’s and glass becomes glass’s. PRACTICE Write a paragraph about a house. Using apostrophes, describe six of the house’s features.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - Common Mistakes POSSESSIVE NOUNS NOTES Most plural nouns end in s. To make these nouns possessive, simply add an apostrophe to the end of the word. For example, photographs becomes photographs’, rabbits become rabbits’, and doctors become doctors’. PRACTICE Add apostrophes to the following sentences where they are needed: 1. The students voices filled the auditorium. 2. The lawyers fees exceeded two million dollars. 3. The dogs barking kept me up all night. 4. The soldiers parents worried about their children.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - Common Mistakes YOUR VS Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - Common Mistakes YOUR VS. YOU’RE NOTES You’re is the contraction of you are. Your is a possessive pronoun. If you’re not sure which is correct, try substituting you are. If that sounds wrong, you know you should use your instead. PRACTICE Fill in the blanks with you’re or your: __________ son’s behavior is probably because ______ much too indulgent with him. _________ discipline methods are too relaxed. ___________ making a mistake if you think _______ style will work. _________son doesn’t respect you, and if this continues, ________ going to wind up bailing him out of jail one day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2018 - Common Mistakes CONDITIONALS NOTES The conditional is the verb form used to describe something uncertain, something that’s conditional or dependent upon something else. The conditional formula is If … were … would. For example, If I were president, I would give everyone free ice cream. Note that it is incorrect to write If I was president, I would give everyone free ice cream. PRACTICE Write five sentences that use the conditional correctly.
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - Common Mistakes GOOD VS WELL NOTES Good is an adjective, not to be confused with well, which is an adverb. Adjectives describe nouns and linking verbs. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs (pretty much everything else). The 5 senses are linking verbs and are described by adjectives, except when talking about health. PRACTICE Fill in the blanks with good or well: 1. Theo played ______ in the ballgame. 2. The pie tasted _____ last night. 3. Quentin did a _______ job redecorating. 4. I don’t feel _______ today. 5. I wish I could sing as _______ as William.