Daily Roman Life
Objective Using the information that you’ve gathered create an informational PowerPoint that discusses Roman Daily Life.
Ancient Rome Ancient Rome was a powerful and rich civilization that at its peak stretched across Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. The Roman Empire was the birthplace of many important technological, political, social, and cultural advancements. Some aspects of ancient Roman culture are still present in our society today
Bibliography World Wide Web (Internet): Format: Author. “Title of item.” URL (date accessed). Example: National Park Service. “Trail of Tears National Historic Trail.” http://www.nps.gov/trte/TRTE/history.htm (23 May 2006). Article with No Author Given Begin with the title of the article if no author is named. Example: ”Applied Semantics Supports IPTC's Auto-Categorizer.” EContent Jan. 2002: 10+.
Directions 1. Choose five of the ancient Roman topics you and your partner researched. 2. Create a PowerPoint show to display your information. Include the following slides: a) Title Slide - Title, representative image, the date, and your name b) Slide for Each Topic - Use point form notes to describe the topic (at least 5 facts) Include a picture and caption on each slide Include how today's society is similar or different c. Glossary - Create a glossary with 6-9 words about your topics and include a definition and picture (if possible) for each word d. Bibliography - Include a bibliography that notes your sources of information 3. Practice your presentation. 4. Share via GOOGLE DRIVE with Ms. Padilla 5. Present to the class.
Rubric Category Exemplary (IV) Accomplished (III) Developing (II) Beginning (I) Content Accurate and extremely detailed information about an ancient Roman topics. Accurate and detailed information about an ancient Roman topics. More detail would improve the quality. Some information about an ancient Roman topics, but more detail is needed. There may be some inaccuracies in the information. Limited information about an ancient Roman topic; a lot more detail is required. There may be inaccuracies in the information. Use of Graphics All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation. Conventions Consistently follows standard rules with very few if any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Appears to have been carefully proofread and edited. Follows standard rules with few errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Appears to have been proofread and edited with most surface errors corrected. Follows standard rules with some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Appears to have been proofread and edited, although not with a high degree of precision. Significant errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Does not appear to have been proofread and edited. Oral Presentation Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time. Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost.