Monday, September 21, 2015 Objective: Library *Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader *Use print and electronic resources independently to locate information (IR.12.8.3 ) Essential question: What are the goals for 8th grade reading fluency?
Monday, September 21, 2015 – English & PreAP English class WN on google classroom – respond to the SWT or choose a topic of your own. Make up tests from Friday if needed on Moodle (Vocab. #2 – open yellow pages) Library to check in, out only if necessary Watch book trailers for The Outsiders Will start reading tomorrow! Last 10 minutes of class – Share intro on The Outsiders, ask ? and use pwrpt Share your pic of your hero, bring tomorrow if you didn’t Book Trailer #1 Book Trailer #2
Objective: Outsiders Unit Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Objective: Outsiders Unit Essential Questions: How do we learn about the characters in a novel? Who are the characters in The Outsiders? How can I identify with them?
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 English & PreAP English Agenda Review the Intro Presentation on book – whatever we did not finish yesterday Begin reading Chapter 1 of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton together in class Assign novel study guide (handout) to complete as you read in class 4/27/2019
Objective: Outsiders Unit Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Objective: Outsiders Unit Essential Questions: How do we learn about the characters in a novel? Who are the characters in The Outsiders? How can I identify with them?
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 English Agenda Continue reading The Outsiders Chapter 1 in class – revisit Identity and other terms (handout to keep in binder – text section) Complete the Venn Diagram on Novel Study Guide – as we come across details that determine differences or similarities of Socs and Greasers Give directions for completing the Characterization charts by groups *PreAP – refer to Outsiders agenda and begin Characterization Chart – using Ch. 1&2 of novel
Thursday, September 24, 2015 Objective: Outsiders analysis of characterization, plot, theme, identify and define identity, class and race Essential questions: How do we learn about the characters in a novel? Who are the characters in The Outsiders? How can I identify with them?
Thursday, September 24, 2015 English Agenda WN: Not today Continue Reading Chapter 1 of The Outsiders – complete study guide as we read in class. Be sure you are following along with the text If finished with Ch. 1 - Characterization charts - shared document on google drive 4/27/2019
Thursday, September 24, 2015 PreAP English Agenda WN: Not today - Begin work on the characterization charts in groups (groups decided yesterday ) Each person will need to search the text of Chapter 1 & possibly 2 for information about their characters…use the suggestions to help you work through You will need to infer from the facts of the text what you have learned about each character – for example: what they like to do would actually tell you about their personality 4/27/2019
Friday, September 25, 2015 Objective: SLE R.9.8.1 – Use prior knowledge R.10.8.5 – skimming, scanning as study strategies R.11.8.5 - use context clues to determine meaning of multiple meaning words R.11.8.10 – use context to determine meaning of words Essential questions – How will developing a better vocabulary improve reading? How does an author develop characters in a story? WN: Write about a special place: special room, attic nook, inside of a tree, scary closet. You might start by quickly sketching a map of a house full of memories. Mark those rooms where something important happened to you.
Friday, Sept. 25, 2015 English Agenda Complete the Literary Terms Vocabulary Lesson #2 – all sections Use yellow pages as a reference tool to help you with definitions and then work on applying in the rest of questions. Turn in today before you leave…finish as much as possible and turn in what you have Complete Characterization charts from Ch.1 & 2 – if you did not finish yesterday in class The Outsiders novel