Kastanis- Existing Conditions Sediment Loading Estimate 1959-2001 2001-2013 Volume (cu. yds. /yr.) 522 932 Streambank Erosion- Rates Streambank Erosion- Extent Cross Section Erosion Rate (1998-2017) (ft. /yr.) 1 0.9 2 1.3 3 1.0 4 0.0 5 6 1.5 7 4.0 8 4.5 9 6.4 10 0.7 11 12 13 14 15 0.1 1996-2017 ∆L (ft.) Total Increased Erosion (ft.) 1,604 Total Recovered Erosion (ft.) 115 -The magnitude (rate) and extent of streambank erosion indicated long term, excessive instability.
Kastanis- Project Goals Reduce impacts from fine sediment loading. Reduce bank migration and provide lateral stability. Provide healthy riparian buffer. Reduce impact on aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Improve aesthetic values of a natural stream channel. Before During
Kastanis- Design Objectives Level Category Parameter Measurement Method Existing Condition Value Existing Condition Rating Proposed Condition Value Proposed Condition Rating 1 Hydrology Reach Runoff Curve Number 28 Functioning-at-Risk 30 to 55 Functioning Concentrated Flow Points 2 Hydraulics Floodplain Connectivity Bank Height Ratio 1.53 Not Functioning 1.0 to 1.2 Entrenchment Ratio 2.05 >=2.2 Flow Dynamics Stream Velocity 8.7 3 to 6 3 Geomorphology Sediment Competency Required Depth and Slope 3.8 3.5 Sediment Transport Capacity Bags 1,928 2,918 Channel Evolution Rosgen Stream Type Succession C4 Bank Migration and Lateral Stability Meander Width Ratio >3.5 Cross-Sectional Surveys 1.3 ft. / year <0.2 ft. / year BEHI Extreme Low Percent Streambank Erosion 42% <10% Riparian Vegetation Buffer Width >15, 0 Meander belt width at least 3.5 NRCS Rapid Visual Assessment Protocol 8 to 10 Bed Form Diversity Percent Riffle 43% 52 to 74 Pool Max Depth Ratio 1.47 >1.5 Pool Spacing Ratio 10.50 3.7 to 7.3 Bed Material Characterization Size Class Pebble Count Analyzer (p-value) >0.1 Sinuosity Plan Form 1.10,2.31,1.17 1.33
Kastanis- Contracting Item of Work Quantity Unit Lafever Excavating Inc. General Construction 1 lump sum 400,000 Dust, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control 49,537 Primary Dewatering-30 Inch Bypass Pipe (1,000 feet) 80,000 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic 1,000 Rock Toe- Dry Riprap- Class II 3,600 ton 126,000 Brush Mattress 2,600 square yard 50,050 Live Fascine 2,900 linear feet 20,590 Live Stakes 6,050 stake 35,695 Containerized Plant 5,000 each 29,500 Full Soil Restoration 93 1,000 square feet 9,300 Sod Mat 5,100 38,760 Channel Protection- Dry Riprap- Class III 2,800 98,000 Allowance 1- Salvage Stone, Clay Material and Site Work 50,000 Allowance 2- Primary and Turbidity Pumping- Fuel and Operation Total Base Bid 1,038,432
Kastanis Before After
Kastanis Before After