Apply And Return Assets Process
Apply and Return assets (desktop computers, monitors, laptops) Business 1. Initiate application for procurement, Ruan(阮总) approval 2. Forward the emails approved by Ruan(阮总) to the Admin(JP) 3. Business assistant (Rani) receive assets and confirm to sign a signature. 4. Business assistant (Rani) update asset owner details then feedback to admin(JP) Admin (JP) After admin(JP) received the approved mail ,purchasing assets. After the admin(JP) and IT(Shanthamallachar) have completed the acceptance and make asset number, the purchased items will be transferred to the business application department 3. Admin(JP) send asset owner details monthly to Business assistant (Rani) Return 2.1. the delivery manager(Shiva) needs to approve the e-mail and forward the approved e-mail to the admin(JP) 1.1 After admin(JP) received the approved mail , admin(JP) confirms and receives the assets. Admin (JP) Business When the employee exits, he stated the status of the asset in the resignation application form,transfer to other people or return to the admin 2. Sign on <Form 1 - CSI Clearance Form.docx> 3. Update asset owner details. 2.2. transfer, and specify the recipient‘s information and phone number in the resignation table, need PM signature 1.2 Admin(JP) confirmation of the person receiving the asset.