Tech Que: “Live Out Loud” Title Graphic


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Presentation transcript:

Tech Que: “Live Out Loud” Title Graphic

Hello everyone, I’m so glad to see you Hello everyone, I’m so glad to see you! Over these past weeks we’ve been learning that when you live your life in a way that’s big and bold and pleasing to God, the people around you can’t help but notice. They see that you have God in your life and it makes them want it too! Do you know what that’s called? (Let kids respond.) That’s right—living out loud!

Actually, our lives aren’t the only thing getting loud during this series. For each of the “Live Out Loud” stories, you kids have been helping tell the story with sound effects. Not only do sound effects make a great story even better, they’re a ton of fun! In fact, I’d love to hear some of your silliest sound effects.

Ask for some kids to make silly sound effects using only their mouth or body. When each person finishes, see if the rest of the kids can replicate the sound.

Those were some pretty funny sound effects Those were some pretty funny sound effects. I’m not sure the sound effects for our story are quite that silly, but they’re still super fun! Are you ready to give them a try? (Kids respond.) Alright—let’s get started then.

Tech Que: “The Big Bible Story” Graphic After being tempted in the desert, Jesus began traveling all over Galilee, telling people about God and performing out-of-this-world miracles. (Hold up “Amazed” sign and prompt kids to make sounds of amazement.) Everyone was super amazed at the things Jesus was saying and doing and news about Him was spreading everywhere.

(Hold up “Murmur” sign and prompt kids to repeatedly say “murmur” to one another.) In fact, word of Jesus had reached as far as his hometown. Does anyone remember where Jesus was from? (Call on a kid. Answer: Nazareth)

After traveling throughout Galilee, Jesus decided it was time to go home to Nazareth. When He got there, Jesus went into the synagogue—that’s kind of like a Jewish church—and began reading from the scriptures. Someone handed him a scroll with the book of Isaiah written on it.

Choose a kid to stand and read Choose a kid to stand and read. Hand him a rolled-up piece of paper with Isaiah 61:1-2 written on it. Tell the kids to listen carefully to the sound of the scroll being unrolled.

It was normal at that time for everyone in the synagogue to stand when God’s word was being read. Have all of the kids stand up. Instruct the kid with the scroll to read the verses aloud. Isaiah 61:1-2 says, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me. He has anointed me to tell the good news to poor people. He has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners. He has sent me so that the blind will see again. He wants me to free those who are beaten down. And he has sent me to announce the year when he will set his people free.”

When Jesus was finished reading, he rolled the scroll back up When Jesus was finished reading, he rolled the scroll back up. (Instruct the kid to roll up the scroll and have everyone sit down.) As Jesus took a seat, all eyes were on him. There was a long moment of silence as the people waited to hear what Jesus would say next. (Remain silent for about 3 seconds. Say the next line quietly and deliberately.) Finally, Jesus said, “Those words you just heard. They’re talking about me.” You see, Jesus was telling the people that He was the Savior that the prophets spoke about long ago.

There was an excited murmur that went throughout the crowd There was an excited murmur that went throughout the crowd. (Hold up “excited murmur” sign and prompt kids to repeatedly and excitedly say “murmur” to one another.) The people of Nazareth were amazed at what they were hearing, but Jesus knew they wanted more than just words; they wanted to see proof that He was the Messiah. They wanted to see Jesus perform the miracles they had been hearing about from the rest of Galilee.

Jesus spoke to the crowd one more time Jesus spoke to the crowd one more time. He said, “I tell you the truth, because you’re from my hometown, no miracle will ever convince you that I’m the Messiah. But I didn’t come just to save the Jews; I’ve come to save everyone!” (Say “everyone” with emphasis.) When Jesus finished talking, there was an angry murmur that went through the crowd. (Hold up “angry murmur” sign and prompt kids to repeatedly and angrily say “murmur” to one another.) The Jewish people of Israel had believed that the coming Savior was going to be just for them. They couldn’t believe Jesus was saying that He came to save everyone.

The people’s hearts began to beat faster The people’s hearts began to beat faster. (Hold up “heart beating” sound and prompt kids to strike their chest with a closed fist to the rhythm of a heartbeat.) They growled with anger. (Hold up “growl” sign and prompt kids to growl.) The people in the synagogue chased Jesus out of town. (Hold up “Feet running” sign and prompt kids to stomp feet on the floor quickly. For the next line, stand on a chair or something else to represent the edge of the cliff.) They took Jesus to the edge of a cliff and made plans to throw Him off to His death, but miraculously, Jesus walked right through the angry mob of people (walk through the middle of the kids) and went on His way.

Tech Que: “Big Bible Story Questions” Graphic For Younger Kids: What did you find interesting about this story? Why do you think the people in the synagogue were angry when Jesus said He had come to save everyone?

Tech Que: “Live Out Loud” Title Graphic Let me ask you a question—when Jesus said He had come to save everyone, do you think He knew the people would get upset with him? (Take answer.) Of course, He did! But He said it anyway. You see—even though the people didn’t like what Jesus was saying, it was the truth and Jesus knew it’s what God

would want Him to say. Jesus was more interested in pleasing God than He was in pleasing people. Did you know that trying to be popular or please other people can sometimes keep you from growing towards God? Let me show you what I mean.

Hold up a glass Mason jar Hold up a glass Mason jar. Tell the kids that the jar represents popularity or being liked. Ask if there are any “not-so-nice” things kids do to be popular or liked at school. Use a marker to write shorthand versions of their answers on the outside of the jar. When finished, show them a deflated balloon with a face drawn on it. Tell the kids that we’re like this balloon. Choose a kid to come to the teaching area to blow the balloon up nice and big. (With younger kids, you may want to do it yourself.) As she is blowing up the balloon, tell everyone, “When we have Jesus in our life, God breathes His Holy Spirit into us. In the same way that this balloon is growing, the Spirit helps us to grow more and more like Jesus.” Once the balloon is fully inflated, show it to the kids and then let the air back out. Next, tell everyone that wanting to be popular or liked by everyone can stop us from growing towards God. Place the deflated balloon inside of the jar so that only the balloon opening is sticking out. Have the same kid blow the balloon up while in the jar. The balloon will inflate only so far before it hits the inside walls of the jar. Pinch it off so that it remains inflated in the jar. Thank the volunteer and dismiss her.

Have you ever felt like this guy in the jar Have you ever felt like this guy in the jar? (Point to the face smashed against the inside of jar.) Have you ever wanted to do what was right and pleasing to God, but you were too afraid of what people would think? Actually, we’re not the only ones who have wrestled with that question. Let’s take a look at what Paul said in the book of Galatians:

Let the balloon deflate in the jar and set it aside Let the balloon deflate in the jar and set it aside. Invite kids to open their Bibles to Galatians 1:10. After a moment, choose a kid to read it aloud or read it aloud yourself.

Tech Que: “Am I now trying to get people to think well of me Tech Que: “Am I now trying to get people to think well of me? Or do I want God to think well of me? Am I trying to please people? If I were , I would not be serving Christ.” Galatians 1:10

Why do you think Paul says that He wouldn’t be serving Jesus if he was trying to please people? (Take answers from the kids.) Great answers! Sometimes when we try to please other people, we do or say things that aren’t pleasing to God. But there are other times when we do or say the right thing and it makes our friends mad. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever felt rejected by your friends because you said or did the right thing—the thing that God would want you to do?

Sometimes following God isn’t the popular thing to do, but it’s always the right thing to do. And when we make hard choices to follow God, we “Live Out Loud.” In fact, some of your other friends might see the godly choices that you’re making, and it might give them the courage to make those same choices. When we try to please God more than others, God can do amazing things through us!

Tech Que: “Live Out Loud” Title Graphic