What do you see??
Vocabulary to understand Predator--Uses lies, secrecy, and stealth to get close enough to someone to harm them Prey--The victim Grooming--A way of gaining someone’s trust so they can harm you
STAYING SAFE ONLINE Guard Your Information Address Phone number School City Sports teams Parent’s workplace Passwords Stress dealing with problems before they are problems, getting ahead of the game. All items listed could be used by a stranger wishing to find a child.
What Does YOUR Screen Name ?????? YOU Say About
Use a screen name WITHOUT personal information about YOU! A KEY i-SAFE ONLINE TIP Use a screen name WITHOUT personal information about YOU! What is wrong with this screen name ??? Jessiegirl14
Soccer girl video
Friend or Foe? STAYING SAFE ONLINE Seeing is not believing Never schedule offline meeting with “online only” friends Tell your parents if anyone tries to meet with you offline 15-year-old girl on Facebook Recent examples: Man in UK created 8 different fake Facebook profiles to groom “up to 1,000 kids”; NAMBLA pages found on Facebook; in sextortion cases kids are tricked into revealing themselves in some way, and then the person uses the digital content to blackmail them into other things; in other cases the kids are tricked into doing things for other reasons, such as believing someone hacked into their Facebook profile or can get them into trouble somehow.
How does a predator trick you into believing he or she is your friend? S.I.T.S. SIMILAR INTERESTS TRUST SECRECY
DANGER! An Online Predator Will LIE To You To Gain Your TRUST! A predator may tell you he or she loves you. A predator might tell you he or she will treat you better than your family does. A predator might tell you he or she will buy things for you.
But don’t be fooled! These are just LIES! LET’S RECAP! A Predator will groom you by: Pretending to like the same things. Pretending to share your interests. Telling you they truly care about you. Always taking your side. Becoming your new BEST friend. But don’t be fooled! These are just LIES!
The FBI has a special task force to find Internet predators. 1 in 5 U.S. teenagers say they have received an unwanted sexual solicitation online. Victims are typically in their early to mid teens. BOTH GIRLS and BOYS ARE TARGETS! That makes YOU at RISK!
I will groom you
Communicate STAYING SAFE ONLINE Don’t bottle it up Ok to ask questions Stay away from “adults only” sections of the Internet Tell your parents about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable Much of the harm done to children could have been prevented if the kids just told a parent or authority figure
Time and a Place STAYING SAFE ONLINE Carefully consider whether to use geolocation on social networks/games Never check in at school, church, or any place you visit regularly Check privacy settings Ask parents for permission before using any geolocation Geolocation apps often broadcast a child’s location to a potentially wide network of people, depending on how careful the child has been with their privacy settings
Privacy? On the Web? STAYING SAFE ONLINE All media is permanent All information is available If you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it, and especially don’t do it online Glass house symbol for everything you do being visible: being on the Internet is like living in a glass house
Don’t share things you don’t want everyone to see