Health Sciences Advisory Report Health Sciences Advisory Report By the Health Sciences Advisory Group to the Applications Strategy Council at the Internet2 Spring 2003 Member Meeting Introduction What is Internet2? Mission Advanced Research and Education Network Consortium # Members [Network Map] current backbone topology and speeds - GigaPOPs Relationship with other networks - National Peering Arrangements - Local Networks - International Peering Arrangements Future of the backbone - upgrade to OC-192 - etc What is an Internet2 Application Current Applications Attributes - Examples - NEES - HENP - STAR How Astronomy will work - eVLBI
Personal Memoirs 5/6/2019
Health Science Advisory Group **formerly known as HS Leadership Team Michael J. Ackerman, PhD, NLM/NIH Gary K. Allen, DVM, Univ of Missouri; Chair Veterinary Medical SIG Jack Buchanan, MD, Univ of Tennessee Health Science Center; Chair Medical Middleware Working Group Parvati Dev, PhD, Stanford Univ; Member, Internet2 Apps Strategy Council Michael Devous, MD, Univ of Texas Southwestern Jill Gemmill, Univ of Alabama Birmingham Michael J. Gill, NLM/NIH William Hersh, PhD, Oregon Health Sciences Univ (OHSU) Edward Johansen, JD, Orthopaedic Surgery Working Group facilitator Stuart Kippleman, Johnson & Johnson; Internet2 Industry Strategy Council Michael Marron, PhD, NCRR/NIH J. Marc Overhage, MD, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine (SMM2003) Walter B. Panko, PhD, Univ of Illinois at Chicago Jere Retzer, Oregon Health Sciences Univ (OHSU); Chair, Security SIG John Yost, Bradley Univ; Chair, BioEthics Working Group 5/6/2019
Internet2 Medical School Topography 86 Medical Schools (AAMC members) 130 Health Science related colleges Strong leadership team/advisory group Health care focus Life science focus Large % of research $ AAMC does not follow Carnegie classification for membership Hawaii OHSU UIC IUIPI NLM Stanford UCSD UMs Bradley UTenn TAMU UTSW UAB 5/6/2019
Applications AND Supporting Infrastructure Advanced Network Infrastructure Middleware Engineering Advanced Applications Partnerships These are the five areas that Internet2, Internet2 members, and partner organizations are focused on. 5/6/2019
Internet2 Health Science Roadmap Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet National Research Council Current and future Internet Released 24 February 2000 National Academy Press ISBN 0-309-06843-6 5/6/2019
The Scope of the Internet2 Health Science Workgroup includes clinical practice, medical and related biological research, education, and medical awareness in the Public. Enigma Machine and Bombe Armed forces have always been dependent on communications. During World War II, the German Army and Navy tried to keep their communications secret by using encryption devices called Enigma machines. These sophisticated coding devices could generate over 1 trillion different coding patterns. The Germans believed they were too sophisticated for Allied forces to break them. But in one of the best-kept secrets of the war, first the Poles, and later the British and Americans succeeded in deciphering messages. The wooden device in the foreground is a 4 rotor German Enigma machine, used for encoding. The large machine in the background is a "Bombe," used for breaking the code. Working out the details of codebreaking machines was one of the developments that fostered electronic computers. Smithsonian Photo by Laurie Minor-Penland.
Internet2 Process Model BioGRID BoF Security SIG Jere Retzer Veterinary Medical SIG Gary Allen Medical Middleware Working Group Jack Buchanan Steve Olshansky Orthopaedic Surgery Working Group Chad Smith Ed Johansen BioEthics Working Group (in formation) John Yost 5/6/2019
Grand Challenge: Information Infrastructure Organism(person) Organ Tissue Cell Protein Atom & organ systems (1m) (10-3m) (10-6m) (10-9m) (10-12m) (10-15m) Systems models Continuum models (PDEs) ODEs Stochastic models Pathway models Gene networks Modeling, Simulation, Visualization, Software Frameworks, Databases, Networking, Grids Courtesy: Peter Hunter, University of Auckland 5/6/2019
Where are the Applications? 5/6/2019
Future Goals and Objectives: Partnerships Serve as a Catalyst Video Conferencing Direct visualizations Data collection/integration Data mining Device intercommunication Haptic immersion Augmented dexterity Advanced sensors Wireless data collection Economic models for reimbursement realities Direct Visualizations: VTC “presence” Data collection/integration/mining; data knowledgebases to enhance human congnition Device intercommunications: EMS medical devices, bioengineering, pace maker Haptic Immersion: Sense of “Touch”; OB-GYN Augemented Dexterity; Surgery attenuation; beyond human capabilities Advanced Sensors; Nanotechnologies Wireless; getting to the end points! MiMComm Economic Models; lessons from Telemedicine. Image courtesy of: Dr. Christopher Johnson, Director of the SCI Institute 5/6/2019 1
Recommendations Request for review and endorsement of ASC Formation of a Health Science Task Force Internal Internet2 Communication External Medical Industry Communication Increased engagement in Life Sciences Technology is a produce of social choice Shared meanings Shared processes Enhance communications Build the community 5/6/2019