LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2016 Agenda Item 2.2 IESS - Breaks in time series Eurostat
Background Needs for a common strategy Common strategy not to be prescriptive: just an ordered list of possible approaches to choose among Financing Eurostat
Comments received Do you agree on the criteria proposed for drafting the list of indicators to be covered by the common strategy? YES 30 NO 4 Do you agree on the list of communication/dissemination strategies to be evaluated in the next TF1 meeting? YES 32 NO 2 Proposal for both enlarging and reducing the list, it will be discussed in TF1 Further strategies can be taken into consideration, details are needed Eurostat
Comments received Do you agree on the list of methodologies proposed for each possible communication /dissemination strategy to be ranked in a 3 categories scale? YES 29 No 4 Do you agree on the list of possible ways to plan the overlapping period and the overlapping sample? YES 29 No 4 Overlapping sample concern only countries choosing this method No gradual introduction Parallel Sample size can be discussed Eurostat
Results of LAMAS consultation Envisaged methods: 3.1 : 6 3.2 : 7 4 : 12 Not yet : 6 Open questions for countries envisaging to adopt 3.1 or 3.2: how will you run the seasonal adjustment of quarterly regular series how to deal with indicators for which long time series are requested (ex. MIP scoreboard) Eurostat
Additional points to be discussed in TF1 Legal statuses of the revisions Span of the revisions Eurostat