Welcome Curriculum Night 2017-2018 Third Grade Type your grade. 1
School Day Start Time Students may enter the classroom beginning at 7:15. Instruction begins at 7:40. If your student arrives after 7:40, they will receive a tardy slip. Insert your name here 2
Dismissal If your child is not following his or her normal dismissal routine, please notify the front office before 2:00. Paula Turner - paula.turner@nisdtx.org. Tell your students more about yourself. 3
Student Expectations Classroom Economy: Every student’s “job” is to be a learner and good citizen in their classroom. Students will receive a weekly paycheck for their “job”, and may earn bonuses for outstanding performances on the “job”. Alternatively, they will have money taken away as a consequence of poor choices and/or misconduct. 4
Student Behavior Calendar Student calendars will be found in their purple take home folder. This will come home each day. Please look at this daily, however, you are not required to sign it. The only time we ask you to sign is if we/your child needed to write a note to you. 5
Please return the folders Thursday News Take home folders go home every day. This contains the behavior calendar. On Thursday, completed assignments and important notes from the school will be sent in take home folders. Please remove all papers each week. (except items in brads & homework, if given) Please return the folders everyday.
Helpful Websites Third Grade Newsletter (most up to date information) Teacher webpages www.nisdtx.org Select Schluter Elementary Select Staff pages Click on teacher’s name Type in your classroom rules. 7
Report Cards Progress reports and report cards are sent electronically unless other arrangements have been made. Make sure to update your e-mail address and other information with the district. If you need help with this, please contact the office, as the teachers do not have access. Insert info or delete slide. 8
Home Access Center Online Grade book Check your child’s grades 24/7! Set up username and password. (Check with the front office for this.) Customize to receive e-mails and alerts http://hac.nisdtx.org/homeaccess/ Download the app! eSchoolPLUS Family in Google Play or App Store
Homework Reading - We strongly encourage you to read to your child, or have your child read for 20-30 minutes every night. A reading log is not required at this time. Math – Practice math fluency facts nightly. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication (up to 10x10 & recalling corresponding division fact) How - Use apps, games, flashcards. Goal: Know the facts in a snap.
Math Math State Assessment (STAAR)-Tuesday, May 14th, 2018 Pretests - Used for differentiation & goal setting Posttests & District Benchmarks - Summatives Problem Solving - Daily! Goal - Develop perseverance and the ability to explain & justify thinking using efficient strategies How can you help? Practice fact fluency nightly & review take home papers together. Discuss errors & celebrations! 11
Reading Reading State Assessment (STAAR) - Wednesday, May 15, 2018. Approximately 30 minutes daily of independent reading time to build stamina 3rd Grade Author Study – Patricia Pollaco & Allen Say Students will write one reader’s response per week as part of their curriculum. Social Studies is integrated within the ELA curriculum Reading Homework – help your child build the habit of reading every day, creating life-long readers. Insert time. 12
Writing Writing State Assessment STAAR (4th grade only) authentic writers that can express themselves clearly workshop model (opening, work period, closing) 30 minutes daily of independent writing time to build stamina Multiple Writing Genre Studies Insert time. 13
Science The Inquiry Learning model takes advantage of students’ natural curiosity. It requires well-developed questioning skills. It helps students to develop strategies and processes for collecting and evaluating information. Science Night will be in February! Topics covered this year include: different types of force, motion and energy; food chains and ecosystems; earth and space, including a study of the solar system
Birthday Celebrations Served at 2:45 p.m. (can drop off in the morning) Must be a store bought item No goodie bags, please. Cannot hand out invitations to parties in class
PTA Membership Join the Schluter Elementary PTA! PTA sponsors events such as field day, Popcorn Fridays, field trip scholarships, Carl E. Schluter Day, and much more! Sign up tonight and learn how you can help! Participate PTA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ptaschluter Volunteer Facebook Page: “VIPs of Schluter Elementary” Join http://www.joinpta.org/join.asp
Any Questions? Insert info or delete slide. 17
Please make sure you signed in for tonight’s session. THANK YOU! Thank you for coming! Please make sure you signed in for tonight’s session.