ASMC September Luncheon, “I Am Ready For That Promotion… AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MILITARY COMPTROLLERS Hampton Roads Chapter ASMC September Luncheon, “I Am Ready For That Promotion… Now How Do I Obtain It?” Featuring Ms. Pamela S. Condino, ACC Deputy Director, Financial Management and Comptroller Ms. Pamela S. Condino is the Deputy Director, Financial Management and Comptroller, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis Base (JBLE), VA. “Need an end of FY break? Come on out to the ASMC Luncheon” Thursday, 15 Sept 2016 1130-1300 Bayside Club (Chief’s Room) Joint Base Langley-Eustis Langley Air Force Base, VA Sandwiches A La Carte Hot Buffet Lunch Burritos & Tacos! RSVP: HR ASMC Lunch Sign-Up – By 13 Sept 16 Langley POC: Ms. Karen Heim 757-764-6509 • Crab Pot will be available at the luncheon! Your generous donations will go towards a local food bank!