Summary of decisions UHC2030 ownership: Strengthen constituency engagement and responsibility/contribution of individual members Strategic focus and alignment: Uniqueness of UHC2030: multistakeholder nature; only voice for indicators 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Agreement on proposed framework : voices; working better together; knowledge and networks More explicit focus on “what” we are trying to achieve: people-centered health systems; quality; leaving no one behind = most vulnerable and marginalized groups Next steps: light-touch theory of “action”/results + 1 page comprehensive narrative
Summary of decisions SDG3 action plan Offer to use UHC2030 as the convening platform for the accelerators with a direct health system component UHC monitoring UHC2030 to facilitate consultation and share consolidated inputs to feed into the open IAEG reclassification meeting in January
HLM preparation (1) UHC2030 contribution to co-facilitators established: one multistakeholder hearings in April + two multistakeholder pannels in September Make narrative politically appealing (beyond health) + resonate with people UHC2030 role: briefs and support to briefings, “translation” of documents and guidance on process Microsite for information sharing Advocacy for process: guidance for multistakeholder consultations in countries + outreach to mobilise interest/support
HLM preparation (2) Next steps: Inputs from SC members by end December Core team/co-chairs to finalise basic note for broader consultation 1st week of January Partner-led consultations: January-March UHC2030 asks by mid-March – Steering Committee meeting
Workplan and budget Workplan to reflect contribution from members + landing in the SDG3 action plan Leave no one behind – what we mean and what we can do – contribution to HLM Principles for prioritization agreed: alignment with 3.8.1 + 2; multistakeholder perspectives Budget: review costs of knowledge hub CSO support – a proposal to raise funds SC-sub group to be established to help Secretariat develop fundraising strategy Next steps: prioritization done by Secretariat + co-chairs