Newspaper Project
Newspaper project (300 Points) - Each group (4 students) will create a newspaper with different sections. There will be four (4) articles in the newspaper. Each student will create an essay (300 Words Essay – see format on the website). The essay will also be used to complete the newspaper. Each person in the group will cover one of the following sections of the newspaper: - Social (culture, art, religion, music) - Political (government, law, leaders) - Economics (technology, jobs, housing)
Topics & Events The topics and events must be related to the same time frame in the assigned chapter from the textbook. Example: Chapter 1 Topic/Event – American Revolution Each group will pretend to be newspaper reporters writing about an article (300 words essay). It will be about the social, economic, and political events that took place during the colonial period (i.e., back then, not today).
The project has four (4) parts The project has four (4) parts. Part 1 – Create and Present a Power Point (One per Group) to present the different sections of newspaper. Part 2 - Present (each person) in must summarize their portion of the newspaper. Part 3 - Each person needs to create a 300 words essay format to insert into the newspaper. Part 4 - Submit a hard copy of the newspaper in the end of each presentation for points. Part 6 – Submit a set of index cards (One set per Student). Set of index cards (4-5). It will be collected in the end of each presentation for points.
Newspaper Procedure - The newspaper will be related to a topic/event in the assigned chapter of the textbook. - The instructor will provide the chapter(s) in the textbook. Each group will be select a topic/event. If the topic is already taken, the group will have to find another topic (i.e., first come, first serve). - All the information for the topic does not have to come from the textbook. It can come from the internet (reputable cites). They are internet cites with references. - Visuals - Attach two (2) pictures. The first picture will be the reporter and the other picture must be related to the event/topic (See newspaper example).
Information Resources -The information for the project can come from various sources (books, textbook, internet). - Reference Page must be included in the end of the newspaper to cite your sources. Use the same reference format from the example newspaper for your references.
Oral Presentation - Each group will present their whole newspaper through Power Point. - There is no reliable WiFi (internet) in class so each group must load their Power Point into the class computer through a USB memory drive. - It needs to be loaded in the class computer one (1) day before the class presentation to insure it is compatible and working properly.
Presentation Requirements USB Memory Device Due to poor WiFi reception, Google Docs will not work in class. Each group will need to load their Power Point presentation manually through the USB Memory Device. Oral Presentation -Loud, clear, look at the audience. Index Cards Each student must have 4-5 index cards with a summary of their article. Total Group Presentation Time - Five (5) minutes minimum - Eight (8) minutes maximum. Visual -Each news article must have at least 2 pictures per person. One of the picture must be the reporter and the other picture must be related to the event/topic.
Evaluation value (300 Points) Essay - 300 Words (150 Points) Use the Essay Format with a check list on the website. Presentation (60 Points) - Loaded properly (manually) with USB Memory Device - Facts & Information -Presentation (Loud, clear, eye contact with the audience) Index Cards (4-5 Cards) (25 Points) Time Management (15 Points) Five to eight (5 - 8) Minutes per group. Anything below or over will result in points deducted. Visual (picture, graphics of the topic) 30 Points Reference Page = 20 Points
Audience The instructor will monitor the following: - Students paying attention, no sleeping. -Talking & disrupting. - Use of cell phone or any electronic device. * Any violation from the list above will result in disciplinary procedures and loss of points from the student’s project.