5th Grade Math Classroom News ZEARN Mission 4 Lessons 1-12 January 23-25, 2019 Mrs. Turnbull ------ sturnbull@sbpsb.org Mrs. Herold ------- aherold@sbpsb.org Upcoming Tests Homework Math Practice: Option 1- complete the daily Illuminate Math Quiz Option 2- Complete the Math Moves Worksheet 2. Practice Sprint everyday (time yourself for 2 minutes) Jan. 21 & 22 NO SCHOOL Jan. 24th Gravity Quiz Jan. 25th Fractions Quiz Sprint 15 Test Reminders Our Learning Eureka Module 4 Lessons 10-12 TOPIC D: Fraction Expressions & Word Problems TOPICS A-D REVIEW FOR FRACTION QUIZ ON FRIDAY. At-Home Practice ZEARN Mission 4 Lessons 1-12