English Language Development Fallon Middle School English Language Development Ms. Stacey Stein 2013-2014 F1
Contact Information 875-9376 ext 6367 Room F1 steinstacey@dublinusd.net Website www.dublinusd.org Select a School (Fallon) At Fallon School home page, select Teacher Sites Don’t forget to register on the website to receive Fallon Updates
Ms. Stein’s Schedule 1st period - Computer Technology, 6th grade wheel, room L6 (computer lab) 2nd & 3rd periods - ELD Read 180 core, room F1 4th period - lunch 5th period - ELD tutorial, room F1 Academic Prep room F1 6th period - ELD Newcomer class, F1 7th period - Prep
ELD “Read 180” Core 2nd & 3rd Periods Scholastic Read 180 Provide students with the academic vocabulary and essential knowledge required for reading success in the content areas. Whole Group Instruction Small Group Rotation Modeled and Independent Reading Instructional Software (computers) Small Group Instruction with Ms. Stein Whole Group wrap up Other
ELD Tutorial – 5th Period Scholastic 3D: Discuss, Describe, Debate Designed to ensure proficiency in the “language of school” - the academic vocabulary, speaking, listening, and writing vital to success in school and life. Improve speaking and listening skills through daily opportunities for accountable class discussions, peer collaboration, and group presentations. Develop academic writing skills in summarizing, justification, argument, and research. Engage students with interesting nonfiction text that present real-world issues relevant to teens’ lives. Making regular connections between coursework and the demands of college and the workplace. Preparing students for the rigorous reading, writing, language, speaking and listening expectations of the Common Core State Standards.
ELD Newcomers – 6th Period
Grading Scales Assignments: A+ 100% A 93 – 99% A- 90 – 92% B+ 88 - 89% 83 – 87% B- 80 – 82% C+ 78 – 79% C 73 – 77% C- 70 – 72% D+ 68 - 69% D 63 – 67% D- 60 – 62% F 59% ↓ Participation 1 point per school day 100% Outstanding Calculated on number of days in a week 85% Good 70% Satisfactory 59% Needs Improvement
CLASS RULES THE CLASS RULES WILL BE ESTABLISHED USING A SOCIAL CONTRACT THAT THEY CREATE BASED ON THESE 4 QUESTIONS: How do you want to be treated by the teacher? How do you want to be treated by each other? How do you think the teachers wants to be treated? How do we want to treat each other when there is a conflict? STUDENTS WHO VIOLATE THE SOCIAL CONTRACT BE ASKED: What are you doing? What are you suppose to be doing? Are you doing it? What are you going to do about it? STUDENTS WHO VIOLATE THE SOCIAL CONTRACT WILL FACE THE FOLLOWING CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning Student/Teacher Conference Detention & Note or Phone Call to Parents Referral to the Assistant Principal with possible school detention
CLASS EXPECTATIONS Students are to follow the school rules and behaviors that are found in the front of the Minder Binder. Violations have consequences. See School Discipline Plan (also in the Minder Binder). No student may interfere with others’ rights to learn or to teach. Behave respectfully. Strive to do your best! Attitude over ability - we choose our attitude and a positive attitude can AT TIMES make up for our ability. Students are expected to be present and on time, remain quiet, seated and follow all directions during class. Be prepared to learn! Bring a pencil or pen and Minder Binder everyday. Clean up after yourself, and leave room neat for the next class, i.e. push chairs in, straighten keyboard, mouse. Students are to treat technology equipment with respect. You will be liable for damages. Take ownership! Fallon Pride!
About Me 24 Years of Teaching 19 years in the District Fallon: 6th grade wheel Computer Technology 4 periods ELD (English Language Development) Band Assistant Credentials Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with Supplementary Authorization PE CLAD (CrossCulture Language and Academic Development) Certificate Masters in Education – Educational Technology Leadership Certificate of Eligibility for Administrative Services Credential Background Native Californian: have lived only in Alameda or Contra Costa County Have lived in Dublin since 1979 (34 years) Both my sons attended DUSD K-12 (Frederiksen, Wells, DHS) Was a preschool teacher for 5 years