The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton
S.E. Hinton Susan Eloise Hinton Born July 22, 1948 in Tulsa, Oklahoma Only 15 when she wrote The Outsiders Used S.E. to hide the fact she was girl Has written five books
Setting Somewhere in Oklahoma- but meant to be anonymous so that all teens can relate When? Sometime in the 1960’s So what were the sixties like?
1960’s Music Elvis Hunka-hunka burnin’ love!
1960’s Music The Beatles
1960’s Music Hank Williams
1960’s Famous Actors Audrey Hepburn Sean Connery Paul Newman ..and The Flintstones!!!
1960’s Toys
1960’s Women’s Hairstyles & Clothes Bouffant Plaid prints; printed pants, capris (“Clamdiggers”), bold colors; vinyl
1960’s Men’s Hairstyles & Clothes Madras shirt Men’s hair became longer and wider
1960’s Cars
1960’s Facts FACTS about this decade: Population 177,830,000 Unemployment 3,852,000 National Debt 286.3 Billion Average Salary $4,743 Teacher's Salary $5,174 Minimum Wage $1.00 Life Expectancy: Males 66.6 years Females 73.1 years Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000
1960’s Fads Mood rings trolls Go-go boots Smiley faces Lava lamps Afro
Fads continued & T.V. Shows
Important Events/Moments Martin Luther King Jr. made the speech, “I have a Dream” on August 28, 1963 The first heart transplant was performed in 1967 Woodstock Festival 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon (Neil Armstrong) in 1969 The Vietnam War The first Super Bowl was played in 1967 (Green Bay Packers & The Kansas City Chiefs—Packers won!)
Inventions 1961-the laser was perfected 1964- computer mouse and a five key “corded” keyboard 1967-Texas Instruments makes first hand held calculator selling for $2,500 a piece 1968-first cash dispensing machine (ATM)
1960’s Slang “Heat”- the cops ‘Lay some scratch”- to burn rubber “Old Lady”- Your Mom “Old Man”- You Dad “Peepers”- glasses “Scarf”- to eat “Thongs”- flip-flops “A Gas”- a lot of fun “Book”- to leave “Cat”- a guy “Chrome Dome”- a bald guy “Church Key”- bottle opener “Cut Out”- to leave “Dig”- Do you understand? “Greaser”- a guy using too much grease in his hair
The Outsiders This is the end…. of the slideshow, but just the beginning of The Outsiders