ought to צריך 6/11 the least המעט, הכי פחות 7/11 to bother (bothering) INTRODUCING NEW VOCABULARY (PART II) English Hebrew Location in the text ought to צריך 6/11 the least המעט, הכי פחות 7/11 to bother (bothering) להטריד 11/11 contact מגע, קשר 13/11 to last להימשך 14/11 sweat זיעה 17/11 to pop out לצאת, לצוץ to struggle להיאבק the rear החלק האחורי 21/11
A. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. It’s the third time you have called me today. Don’t pop out/ bother me again! 2. He stopped working for a moment to wipe the sweat/ last from his face. 3. I haven’t been in contact/ struggle with my friend since she moved to the USA. 4. Sometimes you need to contact/ struggle in order to succeed. 5. It was a long movie. It popped out/ lasted more than three hours. 6. If you have done something wrong, you sweat/ ought to apologize. 7. We sat at the rear/ sweat of the bus. It wasn’t very comfortable.
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1. Name two things we have learned about the boy. BASIC UNDERSTANDING 1. Name two things we have learned about the boy. 2. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE The woman says that if the boy were her son, she 3. Mrs. Jones treated the boy in a motherly way. Name one thing that shows this. He looked as if he were fourteen or fifteen./He was tall./He was thin./He wore blue jeans and tennis shoes. would teach him right from wrong. She says she will wash his face./She asks him if he wants to eat. 4. PUT BY TWO CORRECT ANSWERS. What was Mrs. Jones’s intention? ___(i) To release the boy. ___(ii) To teach the boy a lesson. ___(iii) To wash the boy’s face. ___(iv) To turn him over to the police. ___(v) To punish the boy.
5. What did the boy want? 6. a. Did the boy go with Mrs. Jones willingly? YES/NO b. Copy the words that prove your answer. 7. Where did Mrs. Jones take the boy? 8. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. Mrs. Jones lived in……… i) a large private house. ii) an apartment in a building. iii) a room in someone’s house. He wants the woman to turn him loose/to let him go. The boy asks her to turn him loose. He starts struggling and the woman has to use force so that she can continue dragging him.
he could hear other roomers laughing and talking in the large house. 9. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. The boy knew that they were not alone in the house because 10. a. Did the woman release the boy when they reached her house? YES/NO b. Copy the words that prove your answer. he could hear other roomers laughing and talking in the large house. The woman still had him by the neck in the middle of her room.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. “Sweat popped out on the boy’s face and he began to struggle.”(17/11) Why did the boy start struggling again? 2. Why do you think Mrs. Jones states her full name? Mrs. Jones threatened that he would remember her when she was through with him. He was afraid of what she might do. He was afraid she would drag him to the police. She wants to impress/ frighten the boy by showing herself as a person of authority.