Health and the People Quizzes
Quiz 1: Ancient Medicine
1) Which time period came first; Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks or Romans?
2) Who developed the Theory of the Four Humours?
3) Where did Greek people go for healing (clue, named after Greek God of Healing)?
4) According to the Theory of the Four Humours, when was someone ill?
5) Which of these was NOT one of the humours; Black Bile, Blue Bile or Yellow Bile?
6) What theory did Galen discover to build on the Theory of the Four Humours?
7) What animal did Galen complete experiments on to show that the brain controlled the nervous system?
8) What was the name of the Romans’ big idea, which involved ensuring good cleanliness and hygiene?
9) Medicine in Roman times was more advanced than medicine in the Middle Ages. True or False?
10) What was the Ancient Egyptians main idea about the cause of disease, based around the River Nile?
Quiz 1: Answers Ancient Egyptians Hippocrates Asclepion Out of Balance Blue Bile Theory of the Opposites Pig Public Health True Blocked Channels
Quiz 2: Medieval Medicine
1) What name do we give to the period following the collapse of the Roman Empire?
2) Which institution preserved the work of Galen and Hippocrates?
3) Who would most people with money go to see for treatment if they were ill or injured?
4) Which idea developed by Hippocrates was highly influential throughout the Middle Ages?
5) What were made at apothecaries?
6) Who did many people in the Middle Ages believe caused disease?
7) Who was the most famous English medieval doctor and surgeon?
8) What deadly disease struck England in 1348?
9) Christian medicine was more developed than Islamic medicine at this time. True or False?
10) The church set up hospitals and universities to help medicine 10) The church set up hospitals and universities to help medicine. True or False?
Quiz 2: Answers Dark Ages Church Barber Surgeon Theory of the Four Humours Herbal Remedies God John Arderne Black Death False True
Quiz 3: Medieval Public Health
1) Who was the Roman doctor who developed the Theory of the Opposites?
2) What was the main form of treatment you would receive from monks or friars at a hospital?
3) In what year did the Black Death arrive in England?
4) Who did many people believe sent the Black Death as a punishment?
5) Which minority group were blamed by many for causing the Black Death?
6) Where were most medieval hospitals based?
7) Who punished themselves by whipping themselves as an attempt to get rid of the Black Death?
8) What did many medieval towns have to help to improve people’s cleanliness and hygiene?
9) Disease spread quickly in medieval towns because houses were cramped together. True or False?
10) Where did medicine continue to develop during the European Dark Ages?
Quiz 3: Answers Galen Prayer 1348 God Jews Church Flagellants Bath Houses True Arab / Islamic world
Quiz 4: Renaissance Individuals
1) Who was the first person to challenge the work of Galen in the Renaissance?
2) Who discovered that the heart was a pump?
3) Who was nicknamed the English Hippocrates?
4) Who developed ligatures, silk threads, to be used in surgery?
5) Which Scottish surgeon was the father of scientific surgery and trained many doctors?
6) Who developed a vaccination for smallpox?
7) Which French surgeon developed the first prosthetic limbs?
8) Who published the book De Humani Corporis Fabrica in 1543?
9) Supporters of who challenged the work of William Harvey?
10) Who placed increased importance on the aspect of observation?
Quiz 4: Answers Andreas Vesalius William Harvey Thomas Sydenham Ambroise Pare John Hunter Edward Jenner Ambroise Pare Andreas Vesalius Galen Thomas Sydenham
Quiz 5: Renaissance Medicine
1) In what year was the Great Plague of London?
2) How many people died of the Great Plague of London?
3) What was used as an anaesthetic in the Renaissance?
4) In 1813 a law was passed saying that you must have how much experience in a hospital to be a surgeon?
5) Hospitals grew and developed in this period, with new voluntary hospitals established. True or False?
6) What type of doctors invented and sold medicine that they did not know if it worked properly?
7) What did Jenner inoculate his patients with as a vaccine for smallpox?
8) What discovery was made that helped doctors to learn more about microorganisms and the body?
9) Who developed the use of ligatures and prosthetic limbs?
10) What discovery was made that revolutionised communication in this period?
Quiz 5: Answers 1665 100,000 Wine / Opium One Year True Quack Doctors Cowpox Microscope Ambroise Pare Printing Press
Quiz 6: The Fight Against Disease
1) What major theory about the cause of disease did Louis Pasteur develop?
2) What nationality was Louis Pasteur?
3) What idea relating to bad air was thought to be a cause of disease?
4) Which German built on the work of Louis Pasteur?
5) Pasteur discovered vaccinations for anthrax, rabies and which other disease?
6) Who pioneered the development of ‘magic bullets’?
7) Who developed Penicillin by chance?
8) Which technological advancement of the Renaissance helped to make these discoveries?
9) In what year was the smallpox vaccine made compulsory?
10) Which conflict helped to popularise the use of penicillin?
Quiz 6: Answers Germ Theory French Miasma Robert Koch Chicken Cholera Paul Ehrlich Alexander Fleming Microscope 1853 WW2
Quiz 7: Surgery
1) What is the name given to the substance that helps to fight infection in surgery?
2) Carbolic Acid, the first substance successfully used to tackle infection, was discovered by who?
3) What was the first successful anaesthetic that was developed?
4) Who developed this anaesthetic?
5) Who popularised the use of this anaesthetic by using it in childbirth?
6) Which doctor first used antiseptics in a maternity ward but was ignored for many years?
7) What did Wilhelm Rontgen discover that helped with surgery?
8) Skin grafts were developed during WW1 forming the basis for what field of surgery?
9) In what year did the first heart transplant take place?
10) What new form of modern surgery has been developed leaving minimal scarring?
Quiz 7: Answers Antiseptic Joseph Lister X-Rays Plastic Surgery Chloroform James Simpson Queen Victoria Ignaz Semmelweiss X-Rays Plastic Surgery 1967 Keyhole Surgery
Quiz 8: 19th Century Public Health
1) Who was nicknamed ‘Lady with the Lamp’?
2) In which war did she act as a nurse, being appalled by the conditions?
3) Where did she set up Britain’s first nurse training school?
4) What disease did John Snow find the cause of in 1854?
5) On what street was the contaminated water pump that John Snow found that was causing the epidemic?
6) In 19th century, 57% of children died before they reached the age of five. True or False?
7) What sort of attitude did the government have in the 19th century?
8) Who set up the Ragged School?
9) Which key member of the ‘Clean Party’ and explorer of the link between ill-health and poverty, published an 1842 work linking living conditions to life expectancy?
10) In what years of the 19th Century were the two public health acts?
Quiz 8: Answers Florence Nightingale Crimean War St Thomas’ Hospital Cholera Broad Street True Laissez-Faire Thomas Barnardo Edwin Chadwick 1848 & 1875
Quiz 9: Twentieth Century Public Health
1) Whose work that found that 35% of London’s population was living in abject poverty, helped to change attitudes towards the poor?
2) Which Quaker, born into a rich family of chocolate makers, investigated poverty in York?
3) What government passed a series of reforms between 1906-1914 to improve public health?
4) Acts passed included the Old-Age Pensions Act, Labour Exchanges Act and National Insurance Act. True or False?
5) During WW2 what percentage of the school population was receiving free school meals? 15%, 35%, 55%
6) Which economist published a report in 1942 to fight the five giant evils after WW2?
7) In 1945 who was elected as the new Labour Prime Minister who helped to introduce the NHS?
8) In what year was the NHS introduced?
9) Who was the Minister of Health who had the job of overseeing the birth of the NHS?
10) Fill in Blank. In 1956 & 1968 the government passed the _____ Air Acts to tackle pollution?
Quiz 9: Answers Charles Booth Seebohm Rowntree Liberal True 15% William Beveridge Clement Atlee 1948 Aneurin Bevan Clean
Quiz 10: 19th & 20th Century Medicine Overview
1) What did Wilhelm Rontgen discover that helped with surgery?
2) What major theory about the cause of disease did Louis Pasteur develop?
3) What is the name given to the substance that helps to fight infection in surgery?
4) What was the first successful antibiotic discovered by chance by Alexander Fleming?
5) What sort of attitude did the government have in the 19th century?
6) Who popularised the use of chloroform as an anaesthetic by using it in childbirth?
7) Which economist published a report in 1942 to fight the five giant evils after WW2?
8) What disease did John Snow find the cause of in 1854?
9) What technological discovery made in the Renaissance helped to study microorganisms and find the real cause of disease?
10) In what year was the smallpox vaccine made compulsory?
Quiz 10: Answers X-Rays Germ Theory Antiseptics Penicillin Laissez-Faire Queen Victoria William Beveridge Cholera Microscopes 1853
Quiz 11: Medical Individuals
1) Who discovered the Theory of the Four Humours?
2) Who discovered the cause of cholera was a contaminated water pump?
3) Which individual played a significant role in developing nursing and improving conditions in hospitals?
4) Who developed ligatures and prosthetic limbs?
5) Who built upon Pasteur’s work of the Germ Theory, attaching particular microbes to certain diseases?
6) Who was the first person to challenge the work of Galen?
7) Which medieval surgeon had greater success rates using more logical methods?
8) Who wrote a report recommending the development of the welfare state including the NHS?
9) Whose work was based primarily around the heart and the circulation of blood?
10) Who developed the Theory of the Opposites and experimented on pigs?
11) Who developed vaccinations for anthrax and chicken cholera?
12) Who was described as the English Hippocrates and placed a particular emphasis on observation?
13) Who set up a Ragged School to help to tackle poverty and improve public health?
14) Who discovered ‘magic bullets’?
15) Which public health advocate was a wealthy businessmen who completed a study and report on poverty in York?
16) Who developed the first antibiotic, penicillin?
17) Which Scottish surgeon working in the Renaissance progressed surgery and trained other doctors?
18) Who developed the use of antiseptics to tackle the problem of infection?
19) Who devised and pioneered the use of x-rays?
20) Who developed the use of anaesthetics by using chloroform?
Answers Hippocrates John Snow Florence Nightingale Ambroise Pare Robert Koch Andreas Vesalius John Arderne William Beveridge William Harvey Galen Louis Pasteur Thomas Sydenham Thomas Barnardo Paul Ehrlich Seebohm Rowntree Alexander Fleming John Hunter Joseph Lister Wilhelm Rontgen James Simpson
End of Unit Quiz
1) Who developed the use of ligatures and prosthetic limbs?
2) What nationality was Louis Pasteur?
3) Which institution preserved the work of Galen and Hippocrates in the Middle Ages?
4) In which war did Nightingale act as a nurse, being appalled by the conditions?
5) Where did Greek people go for healing (clue, named after Greek God of Healing)?
6) Which conflict helped to popularise the use of penicillin?
7) What were made at apothecaries?
8) Who was the first person to challenge the work of Galen in the Renaissance?
9) In what year did the Black Death arrive in England?
10) Medicine in Roman times was more advanced than medicine in the Middle Ages. True or False?
11) Pasteur discovered vaccinations for anthrax, rabies and which other disease?
12) Who punished themselves by whipping themselves as an attempt to get rid of the Black Death?
13) What discovery was made that revolutionised communication?
14) What was the first successful anaesthetic that was developed?
15) Which Quaker, born into a rich family of chocolate makers, investigated poverty in York?
16) Christian medicine was more developed than Islamic medicine in the Middle Ages. True or False?
17) According to the Theory of the Four Humours, when was someone ill?
18) In what year was the NHS introduced?
19) What theory did Galen discover to build on the Theory of the Four Humours?
20) Who did many people in the Middle Ages believe caused disease?
End of Unit: Answers (part 1) Ambroise Pare French Church Crimean War Asclepion WW2 Herbal Remedies Andreas Vesalius 1348 True
End of Unit: Answers (part 2) Chicken Cholera Flagellants Printing Press Chloroform Seebohm Rowntree False Out of Balance 1948 Theory of the Opposites God