Welcome to Senior English! Please pick up an index card, sign in on the attendance sheet, find a seat, and take out a pen or pencil Have table set up with index cards, roster copies. Be at door to greet Learning Target: Identify interesting/unclear details from text
Agenda 3 Sept. 2013 Introductions/Attendance/Room Tour First Assignment-Random Autobiography Read it Discuss it Chunk it Homework: Finish chunking poem Get a COLLEGE-RULED spiral notebook by Monday
About Me 6th year at Camas, 10th year teaching Part-timer Love working with seniors because… Birthday-palooza weekend Remind them about office hours
About You On the top line of the note card, please write your name Please note if you go by something other than what’s on my roster What’s one thing you’re really excited for/happy about regarding senior year? What’s one thing you’re worried/stressed about regarding senior year? What’s something you want me to know about you? Share out names and responses. While they’re sharing, I write down a key word or phrase from their responses on my seating chart. Note to them that these will be their seats for the first week at least. When we’re done, have them bring up their cards, pick up an RA poem.
First Assignment- The Random Autobiography Don’t forget to put your name on the paper, please! Read the poem through once on your own, and mark any spots that you find confusing or especially interesting. Feel free to write all over the poem with ideas, comments, questions… When you’re done reading, write down 2-3 comments or reactions on the bottom of the page. When they’re done reading, read through once as a class and then share out reactions/responses. Have the poem under the doc cam and discuss particular areas. What are they noticing? Identify patterns or terms they’re highlighting. Next step, chunk!
Chunk it! Break the poem into sections Label the sections with 1-2 words that represent the idea presented in that chunk Your homework tonight is to finish chunking and labeling the poem! Model a few of these for the class, then let them continue chunking while I circulate and chat with students.