The NWDoE&SD roundtable discussion DATE: 6 FEBRUARY 2018
Content This presentation responds to the portfolio committee on basic education letter written to the MEC. The response will be in two parts: The extend in incorporation/inclusion of MTSF indicators in the Departmental APP Reasons experienced in the inclusion, targeting and reporting of such
2017 APP The Department has included all MTSF indicators in the APP AGSA reviewed our APP before tabling and insisted that all MTSF indicators be included for completeness A number of challenges were experienced in terms of setting targets as explained in the following tables The targets were set as N/A ( Not Applicable) and the table give reasons why
ANNEXTURE B of APP 2017/18 Non Standardised Performance Measures Reason for non-inclusion Programme 1 Percentage of schools with full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of assessment All our schools are given 50% of their transfers and the rest is retained for stationary and LTSM. If the department were to include it, it would be at 0% target The percentage of schools visited at least twice a year by district officials for monitoring and support purposes The indicator is covered by PPM 104 Percentage of district managers whose competency has been assessed against criteria developed There is no system to assess District Managers in the province yet
Non Standardised Performance Measures Reason for non-inclusion Programme 2 Percentage of learners having access to workbooks per grade. This is a DBE function. The province does not have a budget for it. Percentage of targeted learners supplied with workbooks. The number of teachers self-assessed using knowledge testing system The department does not have a system to collect data on it as yet Percentage of identified teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support
Non Standardised Performance Measures Reason for non-inclusion Programme 2 Percentage of learners having access to broadband This is a DBE function. The province does not have a budget for it. Percentage of Gr 1 entrants who attended Gr R that are school ready There is no system to measure learner readiness Proportion of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes This is a bargaining council matter. There is no agreement as yet on the matter. Proportion of principals who have signed performance agreements This is a bargaining council matter. There is no agreement as yet on the matter The percentage of youths who obtained a National Senior Certificate from a school The denominator will have to be data from STATSSA and the department have no control over the reliability and completeness thereof
ANNEXTURE B of APP 2017/18 Non Standardised Performance Measures Reason for non-inclusion Programme 5 Number of Grade R practitioners employed in public schools The department does not appoint Practitioners for Grade R but qualified educators Percentage of learners in qualifying public schools provided with workbooks in Grade R each year This is a DBE function. The province does not have a budget for it. Percentage of GR R practitioners with appropriate qualification. Percentage of employed ECD practitioners with NQF Level 6 It is implied in indicator 5.3
Non Standardised Performance Measures Reason for non-inclusion Programme 7 Number of learners in Grade 12 who wrote National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations It will be put as a denominator for 701 Number of learners who passed National Senior Certificate (NSC) It will be put as a enumerator for 701 and 702 as a denominator Number of learners who obtained Bachelor passes in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) It will be put as a enumerator for 702 Number of learners who passed Maths in the NSC examinations It will be put as a denominator for 703 Number of Grade 12 achieving 50% or more in Mathematics It will be put as a enumerator for 703 Number of learners who passed Physical Science in the NSC examinations It will be put as a denominator for 704 Number of Grade 12 achieving 50% or more in Physical Science It will be put as a enumerator for 704
2018 APP In 2017 HEDCOM subcommittee on Planning fine-tuned the MTSF indicators and All were customized as PPMs. All are included in the 2018 APP and have targets except one PPM PPM 602 (electricity supply)