Gross Outpatient Revenue Gross Inpatient Revenue Supplementary Data Tables, Trends in Hospital Financing Table 4.2: Distribution of Inpatient vs. Outpatient Revenues, 1994 – 2014 Year Gross Outpatient Revenue Gross Inpatient Revenue 1994 28% 72% 1995 30% 70% 1996 31% 69% 1997 33% 67% 1998 1999 34% 66% 2000 35% 65% 2001 2002 2003 2004 36% 64% 2005 37% 63% 2006 38% 62% 2007 2008 40% 61% 2009 41% 59% 2010 42% 58% 2011 43% 57% 2012 44% 56% 2013 45% 55% 2014 46% 54% Source: Analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 2014, for community hospitals. Data for Chart 4.3 A-33