Evaluation – Our activities and experiences in the pilot phase Budapest 12.03.2018 – 13.03.2018 Mandy Majewski-Ernst & Lars Oertel
Contents of presentation Part: Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Part: Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 our activities the evaluation discussion of the results Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Our activities: meetings testing some exercises and methods of IO 2 – Trainers manual “All on board” participants: students in education (vocational training: kindergarten teacher) frame: lessons with the topic inclusion tested methods: films, placemat, reflection, networking card, discussion parts of IO2: „define“ and „implement“ meetings between the teacher who visited the meeting in september Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Evaluation of activities: to analysis and evaluation: sheets from 28 students evaluation after the following categories: Experiences with the activities Rating the used materials Parts more helpful and less helpful Gained knowledge Application in practice Remarks/ Suggestions Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Evaluation of activities: Experience with the activity / Rating the used material - mainly positive feedbacks - emphasizing the trainer as competent / motivating / involving the group - helpful materials/ methods (almost all), esp. videos and placemat / the variety of the used materials itself Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Evaluation of activities: 2. Parts more helpful and less helpful + Videos (18) + Placemat (10) + working in groups (4), if not too often (1) + Reflexion (4) - Videos are in English (5) Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Evaluation of activities: 3. Developed skills understanding and openness to inclusion (13 of 28) professional expertise (11 of 28) ability to act and methodical competence (7 of 28) other skills: ability to reflection; communication, working in team, empathy 4. Gained knowledge definition and meaning of inclusion (22 of 28) implementation and activities of inclusion ( 9 of 28) guiding skills (6 of 28) other knowledge: challenges in the daily work, law basics Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Evaluation of activities: 5. future application in practice mainly seen as applicable beeing more sensitive regarding inclusion/ more sensivity (10) Problems concerning transfer into practice seen 6. Remarks / Suggestions Videos in English / not in German Adaption for application in regard to Germany‘s background difficult ( best practice in Germany) Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from october 2017 to january 2018 Discussion of the results: strength + using videos / various materials + expertise of the topic could be developed + transfer theory in practice possible + active participation weaknesses - lack of social competences missed values in the evaluation delimitation of the items of evaluation difficult Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: meetings testing the guideline (IO 1) and selected methods of IO 2 – Trainers manual “All on board” participants: teachers of AFBB frame: Teacher training course Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: The title of the training course: “Inclusion – Diversity Management for education institutions” Duration: 6 hours Materials: power point, flipchart, films, magnets, board, meta plan cards, evaluation sheets, pens Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: Objectives of the training: The participants… develop awareness for inclusion. analyse possibilities for inclusion at the AFBB and develop first measures. evaluate the used materials of IO1 and IO2. Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: Contents of the training: Importance of diversity and inclusion Challenges in the daily pedagogical work Opportunities of Implemantation Framework - Resources / Networking Possibilities of evaluation Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: schedule: Introduction Define and Plan Importance of diversity and inclusion Implement Challenges in the daily pedagogical work Opportunities of Implemantation Framework - Resources / Networking Monitor and Evaluate Possibilities of evaluation Conclusion Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Define Plan Implement Monitor Evaluate Our activities: Introduction presentation of the process of project (and the homepage) the structure oft the intellectual output (IO1 and IO2) Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: 2. Define and Plan -> film “All that we share” -> develop a definition of inclusion -> discussion: In what way inclusive work is possible or not possible in the participants daily working environment? Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: 3. Implement -> exchange of experiences: collecting situations, where students need help and support? -> placemat: possibilities on AFBB (What do we need?; What can we do”) -> presenting the guiding skills –> What do you need to have this ability? -> presentation: importance of the subject networking: What is it and why is it important? Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: 3. Implement Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Our activities: 4. Monitor and Evaluate -> worksheet: Find the right method – mind map -> worksheet: Collect suggestions for improvement – action plan 5. Conclusion -> summary -> feedback round -> evaluation power point: summary of the section and where I can find it in IO 1 and in IO 2 Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Evaluation of the further education - teacher: In the preparation of the further education: + format personal trainers plan + systematic of the IO + worksheets in printable form - some links are not accessible - missed a method to find a definition of “inclusion” Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Evaluation of the further education - participants: Experience with the activity process: active, stimulating, diverse, comprehensibly, participation trainer: transparent, openly and flexible, useful, clearly 2. Rating the used material between 1 and 2 Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Evaluation of the further education - participants: 3. Parts and methods more helpful and less helpful more helpful: definition, divers methods, transfer theory in practice 4. Developed skills ability to act and methodical competence Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Evaluation of the further education - participants: 5. Gained knowledge definition, guiding skills for inclusion, the neccessary framework, strategiesof action 6. Possibilities for inventing the concept of inclusion at AFBB (= application & adaption) regular use of the trainings manual adaption of the guideline to the institution / institutional background important networks are: counseling centers and partners of practice 7. Remarks / Suggestions „For a successful process is it neccessary to involve everybody.“ Inclusive and accessible VET
Phase from february 2018 to march 2018 Discussion of the results: strength + goals of the activities achieved + the materials were rated as helpful weaknesses missed values in the evaluation delimitation of the items of evaluation difficult Inclusive and accessible VET
Outlook / Further developments Sustainable implementation at AFBB Share on a platform with all teachers Possibility to implement this to certain Learning fields for Kindergarten-Teacher education - Further workshops to use the Ios / reach most of the teachers at AFBB - Bachelor’s Thesis (at FHD) about the impact of the training Inclusive and accessible VET
Thank you for your attention! Budapest 12.03.2018 – 13.03.2018 Mandy Majewski-Ernst & Lars Oertel