Go to http://mrhavens.wordpress.com Mr. Havens Blog Tutorial Go to http://mrhavens.wordpress.com
LAYOUT The blog is organized into two columns. The large column on the left displays the daily blog posts. The smaller column on the right displays links to useful resources.
DAILY BLOG POSTS If homework is assigned, I will post it here on the day that it was assigned. Clickable links will allow you to download and print any accompanying handouts from home. Frequently, a clickable link will allow you to download and listen to an .mp3 audio file of that day’s lecture.
LINKS TO USEFUL RESOURCES Under Course Documents I haven posted the syllabus, note-taking guide, and other documents for each course Under General you will find links to important web resources, especially PowerSchool, the UA webpage, and an email link to contact me. Scroll down and you’ll find a subscription form which allows you to receive daily posts via email. Finally, the search tool and the calendar make it possible for you to find a specific post or a specific day.