Annual Title I Meeting School Name Principal Name Date Good Evening/Afternoon. Welcome to the Annual Title I meeting at (Say School name) Elementary.
Why are We Here? The Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) formerly known as No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 requires each Title I school to hold an Annual Meeting for parents to… Inform parents of the school’s participation in Title I Explain the legal requirements of Title I Explain parents’ right to be engaged Like the No Child Left Behind Act, Every Student Succeed Act is a reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act which requires each Title I school to hold an annual meeting for parents. The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents of the school’s participation I Title I, explain the legal requirements of Title I, and explain parents rights to be involved.
Agenda Explanation of Title I Title I Funds The Difference Between ESSA vs. NCLB Parents Rights under Title I Parent and Family Engagement Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy School-Parent Compact During today’s meeting, we will discuss Title I funds and programs, Title I eligibility, Parent Rights under Title I, Parent Involvement Policy and the Home/School Compact. The goal of this presentation is to ensure that parents understand the Title I program on our campus.
What is Title I? It is a federal program that provides supplemental funding to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. What is Title I: It is a federal program that provides supplemental funding to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
Every Student Succeed Act vs. No Child Left Behind States will have greater autonomy to select academic and non-academic indicators for accountability. Explain the legal requirements of Title I. States are pretty much on their own to set school performance goals based on these indicators. ESSA does not include any federal requirements for teacher evaluation, as in the current waiver policy, or for highly-qualified teachers, as in NCLB. Like the No Child Left Behind Act, Every Student Succeed Act is a reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act which requires each Title I school to hold an annual meeting for parents. The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents of the school’s participation I Title I, explain the legal requirements of Title I, and explain parents rights to be involved.
How does Title I Work? Federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I Funds are distributed based on a school’s number or percentage of students who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch program Our school qualifies for Title I funds because our Free/Reduced lunch rate is (xy %). This means that (xy %) of our students qualify for Free/Reduced lunch.
Title I in Arlington ISD 2017-2018 70% of students of AISD receive Free/Reduced lunch 48 campuses Over 30,000 students will be served In Arlington ISD, there are 46 schools that receive Title I funds based on the percentage of students who receive Free/Reduced lunch. Over 30,000 students will benefit from Title I funds in AISD.
Who Receives Title I Services? Although schools are eligible for Title I funding based on Free/Reduced lunch numbers; the selection process for providing Title I services to students is not based on low-income. Arlington ISD operates School-wide Title I programs, as opposed to Targeted. A School-wide Program means that all students who attend a Title I campus are eligible for Title I funded services, regardless of whether they qualify for Free/Reduced lunch. Our campus is a School wide Title I program. This means that all students on our campus are eligible to receive Title I funded services and programs, even if they don’t qualify for Free/Reduced lunch. Our goal is for all students on our campus to be proficient and to provide opportunities for all parents to be involved.
Three required elements of a school-wide program Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment Prepare a comprehensive school-wide plan Evaluate annually the school-wide plan Comprehensive needs assessment takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relations to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards. School shall develop a comprehensive plan or amend that was in existence. The plan shall be developed with the involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out such plans, including school personnel. The plan shall be in an understandable and uniform format and to the extent practicable, provided in a language that parents can understand. It shall include a description of strategies that the school will be implementing to address school needs, including a description of how such strategies will provided opportunities for all children to meet the challenging State academic standards; will use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount of quality learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education; will address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards. Annually evaluate the school-wide plan and its implementation shall be regularly monitored and revised as necessary based on student needs to ensure that all students are provided opportunities to meet the challenging State academic standards.
Title I Funds are used to: Supplement: Provide things above and beyond everything all AISD schools receive from the district Title I Funds may not be used to replace or supplant the funds and programs the district provides to all schools. Read this slide
Title I Funds are used to: Identify students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help students meet content standards Purchase supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies Conduct Parent Engagement meetings/trainings/workshops/activities Recruit/Hire/Retain Highly Qualified teachers Read this slide
In Title I Schools You will See: Annual Title I Meeting School/Parent Compacts Two-Way Communication between Teachers and Families Variety of Family/Parent Workshops End-of-Year Surveys Parent Conferences Information in language families understand Read this slide
Title I Funds Allocated . . . List activities, events and programs on your campus that are paid for with Title I funds. (FEL the list below are only some examples, after you are done with your own list and if you need assistance with the Spanish translation, please let us know to support.) When you are done with this part delete the red part for presentation. Tutoring for struggling students Additional Teaching Assistants Training/Professional Development for teachers Reading materials Supplies for students Refreshments for after school programs Refreshments for Parents Meetings.
Title I Academic Information Nights All Title I campuses are required to provide information to parents on: Curriculum Academic Standards Proficiency levels required of Students State Academic Standards State Assessments (STAAR, EOC) Strategies to support learning at home All Title I campuses hold meetings for parents to provide information on Academics, Curriculum, State Assessments. These Academic meetings will also discuss strategies to help support your child’s learning at home. Some of the meetings that we will hold this year are: (list the Academic events on your campus)
What is Parent and Family Engagement? Every Student Succeed Act Definition: “The term parent engagement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities.” Read this slide The change is that NCLB it was involvement. ESSA change it to engagement. AISD had already made the adjustment in 2013. Involvement is considered to be parents volunteering at the school in different areas. Engagement is the parent taking an active role in the decisions and leadership on the campus and their students education.
District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Each school district that receives Title I funds shall develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy. In addition, the policy shall be incorporated into the district’s plan, establish the agency’s expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family involvement… Read this slide The words in blue and underlined are the things added by ESSA.
District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy The policy must describe how the district will: Engage parents in the LEA (district) Plan Provide coordination and technical assistance to schools for parent Engagement Build parent & school capacity Annually evaluate the policy Involve parents in Title I school activities Read this slide
School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Each Title I school shall jointly develop with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy that shall meet these requirements: Be developed jointly with and approved by parents Be distributed to parents in a language they understand Describe how a school will meet parent involvement requirements Be updated “periodically” Read this slide
School-Parent Compact What is the School-Parent Compact? A written agreement between parents and teachers Outlines what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards Must be developed jointly with parents and teachers Read this slide
School-Parent Compact All Title I parents must be given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the School-Parent Compact Parent input is vital to developing a compact that is reflective of the school and community being served Compacts will be developed at each Title I campus and distributed to all parents Read this slide
Opportunities on Our Campus Title I Family Engagement Team – Committee that plans parent activities (FET) Volunteer Site-Based Decision Making Team (SBDM) Attend Title I events such as: Academic Nights and Parent Workshops Toddler Time (Elementary only) Dads’ Outreach ___________
District Parent and Family Engagement Opportunities Parent University Volunteerism District Committees Student Health Advisory Committee (S.H.A.C.) Textbooks Committee District Instructional Decision Making Team (D.I.D.C.) Capital Needs Steering Committee (application required) Financial Futures Committee (application required) Bond Oversight Committee Arlington ISD has many opportunities for parents to be involved.
Family Literacy Program For parents of children in Title I schools Goals: Strengthens Adult Literacy Enhances child development Prepares children for educational success Improve parenting skills Provides parents with tools to become partners in the education of their children Increases opportunity to gain and retain employment Improves opportunities for entering postsecondary education Classes held Daily at Knox Elementary School: 8:15- 11:15 or 12:15- 3:15 One Year Commitment is Required Family Involvement activities and classes English as a second language and Adult Basic Education Classes (the possibility of earning a ASE Diploma is optional) For More Information on the Family Literacy Program at (682)867-7267
Questions? Are there any questions at this time regarding our Title I programs?