Personal Empowerment
Write your name in the center of a sheet of paper. Activity Write your name in the center of a sheet of paper. Pass your sheet around the classroom so that all other students get an opportunity to write a positive statement about you
Discussion How do these words make you feel? Has this activity empowered you? Do you think you have empowered other students in your class with your remarks?
What is Personal Empowerment? Having the ability to do something about your needs, wants, opinions, beliefs, and feelings There are many things you can do to help build personal empowerment
Ways to build personal empowerment Learn all you can Volunteer Work Know where to go for help Know your rights and responsibilities Be proud of your heritage Make friends
The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes
Nike Commercial: Ordinary People
Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"
Journal Response What does personal empowerment mean to you? Do you think the people in these videos were empowered? Support your answer.