Theme Map for Year 3: Summer 2 Theme – Let us choose *Developing skills for the game of cricket. *Extend programming and debugging skills using Logo Turtle and Scratch. *Breaking down persuasive writing and learning how to speak and write persuasively. Please encourage your child to read each day *Reading and responding to a range of adventure stories. *Further developing skills and confidence in gymnastics. *Use onomatopoeia and other poetic conventions to write animal poems. PE English ICT *Comparing and contrasting life in the eras studied and present day. *Learn the importance of some scientists and the significance of their work. Including Marie Curie and William Smith. Year 3 Let us choose! Science History Geography Music PSHE *Learning composition work based on the BBC Ten Pieces concluding with a performance. *Learning the eight points of a compass and using these to locate objects. *Building on knowledge of local area. *Good to be me – expressing individuality *Changes - Growing up and moving on Art and DT Investigating open ended questions and solving two-step problems involving different areas of maths Maths RE *Studying, designing and making kites. *Estimating and reading time with increasing accuracy, *Comparing the duration of events. *Using multiplication and division skills to solve scaling problems *Learning the different types of angles and degrees used in turns. *Responding to symbolism on the world around them. *Understanding symbolism in Baptisms and Holy Communion. *Understanding the church as a community, *Describing some characteristics of a Christian community. ..