802.11F Meeting Report May 2001 Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx May 2000May 2001 802.11F Meeting Report May 2001 David Bagby, 3Com John Doe, His Company
March 2001 802.11 F Agenda Call to order Administration Stuff May 2000May 2001 March 2001 802.11 F Agenda Call to order Administration Stuff Agenda Adoption Status / Goals for Mtg Old / New Business Papers & discussion Adjournment Real work… David Bagby, 3Com
Admin Stuff Secretary: Jon R for this week. Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx May 2000May 2001 Admin Stuff Secretary: Jon R for this week. David Bagby, 3Com John Doe, His Company
Admin Stuff Approval of minutes from March Moved: Jon R 2nd: Jessie W Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx May 2000May 2001 Admin Stuff Approval of minutes from March Moved: Jon R 2nd: Jessie W Vote: 11, 0, 0 David Bagby, 3Com John Doe, His Company
Revised 802.11F Schedule (Approved Nov 2000) Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx May 2000May 2001 Revised 802.11F Schedule (Approved Nov 2000) 1st TG mtg, IAPP history review, task framing – May 2001 Functional determination, proposals – July 2001 Cut off for additional DS environment inclusion. – Jan 2001 Ad-Hoc drafting recovery mtg Dec 2001 1st Draft available, review starts – Jan 2001 First internal .11 ballot – Mar 2001 Schedule fork issue decision – May 2001 Hold for 11E progress or start external ballots…? David Bagby, 3Com John Doe, His Company
Goals for May Process LB 26 comments Create revised draft May 2000May 2001 Goals for May Process LB 26 comments Create revised draft Schedule fork issue decision – May 2001 Hold for 11E/I progress or start external ballots…? David Bagby, 3Com
11F Agenda for May 2001 Exact mapping dependent on work progress… May 2000May 2001 11F Agenda for May 2001 Exact mapping dependent on work progress… Monday 10:30-12:00 AM: Start up; admin; agenda etc; work start 1:00-3:00 PM: Tuesday 6:30-9:30 PM: LB processing 11:59 PM Letter ballot closes Wednesday 8:00-11:00: LB processing 11:00-12:00 Output results for week, sched decision, motions to plenary; final plenary report preview. David Bagby, 3Com
Agenda adoption Moved: to adopt agenda as proposed Moved: Jessie May 2000May 2001 Agenda adoption Moved: to adopt agenda as proposed Moved: Jessie Second: Jon Vote: 13, 0, 0 David Bagby, 3Com
Mtg notes: Broke into smaller group to read/address LB comments May 2000May 2001 Mtg notes: Broke into smaller group to read/address LB comments 1,2,& 3 (& general comments) Partially complete 5&6 Operation 4 service primitives: Not processed yet. David Bagby, 3Com
Agenda Change Set time to Adjourn to 10:00 Wed. Moved: Gary S May 2000May 2001 Agenda Change Set time to Adjourn to 10:00 Wed. Moved: Gary S 2nd: Bob O Vote: 11, 0, 0 David Bagby, 3Com
LB 26 Final results Num Voters: 186 Num Responding: 157 (84%) Result: May 2000May 2001 LB 26 Final results Num Voters: 186 Num Responding: 157 (84%) Valid response rate (> 50%) Result: For: 50 Against: 69 Abstain: 38 (24%) Valid abstention rate (< 30%) 30 non-voters reported to 802.11 Chair David Bagby, 3Com
TGe/i interlock sched decision May 2000May 2001 TGe/i interlock sched decision Schedule fork issue decision – May 2001 Hold for 11e progress or start external ballots…? Hold for 11i progress or start external ballots…? Move: to decide this at July instead of May – moved: Jon R 2nd: Jessie W Vote: 9, 0, 3 David Bagby, 3Com
Ad-Hoc interim mtg Month: June (between May and July) May 2000May 2001 Ad-Hoc interim mtg Month: June (between May and July) Location: Si Valley, unless someone else volunteers Length: a day? Not more than 2 Goal: To complete creating comment responses for consideration by 11f at July mtg. To make a draft that matches the tentative comment resolutions. Announcement: Via email David Bagby, 3Com
Output Docs from Mtg Mtg report (doc 2001-311) Mtg minutes (2001-260) May 2000May 2001 Output Docs from Mtg Mtg report (doc 2001-311) Mtg minutes (2001-260) LB comment file R0 (doc 2001-312) David Bagby, 3Com
May 2000May 2001 Goals for July Group to read all comments & proposed responses before July mtg. Finalize/adopt LB 26 comment resolutions Decide re 11e, 11i sched dependencies. Create & adopt revised draft reflecting comment resolutions Start new LB for revised draft David Bagby, 3Com
Adjourn Adjourned when we hit 10:00 per prior motion. May 2000May 2001 David Bagby, 3Com
Summary: Good progress being made See you in July May 2000May 2001 David Bagby, 3Com
doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx Questions? Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx May 2000May 2001 End of report Questions? David Bagby, 3Com John Doe, His Company