Little Egg Harbor School District Affirmative Action 9.5.18 Affirmative Action is a belief or a conviction that all staff and students have a right to be treated with equal fairness and to have the maximum opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
LEHSD Affirmative Action Officer Erin Lichtenwalner 609.296.1719 ext 1029 609.515.3212 (cell) Office of SPecial Services Located in the Administrative Building
Role & Responsibilities of Affirmative Action Officer Provide annual training for all staff. Oversee the district’s affirmative action/equity plan. Distribute information about affirmative action and grievance procedures. Monitor compliance to the laws. Investigate grievances and provide solutions. Maintain records and reports. Attend conferences and training
What Does Affirmative Action Cover? Intolerance Unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs of different races or backgrounds. Bullying Repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others. • Physical or verbal and nonverbal attacks (isolation) •Behavior is repeated over time • The bully intends harm • There is an imbalance of power • Bullies are not remorseful • Bullying can be perpetrated by individuals or groups Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual attention, humiliation, or offensive behavior to the victim. Physical touching. Suggestive comments or jokes. Requests for sex. Displays of clearly sexual material and or photos. Quid Pro Quo “This for That” Hostile Environment Unwanted sexual comments, touching, and/or gestures are so bad or occur so often they interfere with work, make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe and/or prevents you from participating in programs or activities.
Employee on Employee Employee on Parent Categories for Those Involved in Harassment / Sexual Harassment Student on Student Employee on Student Student on Employee Employee on Employee Employee on Parent Parent on Employee
Who Does Affirmative Action Protect? Teachers Administrators Secretaries Custodians Support Staff Students
Steps in the Grievance Procedures Reports may be made in writing or with verbal notification The immediate supervisor or building principal will notify the Superintendent of Schools of all reports, including anonymous reports. The Affirmative Action Officer will investigate all reports with a final report to the Superintendent of Schools. The Affirmative Action Officer or Superintendent may, at any time after receiving a report, take such appropriate action as necessary and as provided for in the law. This may include notifying law enforcement, notifying the NJ Department of Children and Families, and/or any other measure provided for in the law.
Equal Access - Equal Rights Regardless of: Race Creed Color National Origin Ancestry Age Marital Status Affectional or Sexual Orientation Gender Gender Identity or Expression Religion Disability Socioeconomic Status If you ever have any questions or concerns, please come and see me!
Affirmative Action Presentation 9.2018 Acknowledgement Please complete the Google Form below as acknowledgement of this training. Affirmative Action Presentation 9.2018 Acknowledgement
Contact Me Anytime! Cell: 609.515.3212 Email: