CST Exercise Update West Virginia March 8, 2019
Find an appropriate level of care facility to accept the patient in transfer. Hospital Long Term Care Facility Dialysis Discharge to Home Find an appropriate means of transportation. ALS/BLS Bus Air Police Objectives
Total – Available = Census X 20% = Regions number to evacuate 20 % SMARTT, the day before, excluding Emergency Department beds and Rehabilitation Units Total – Available = Census X 20% = Regions number to evacuate
Strengths Activating Incident Command All HCC Hospitals participating Effective communication with Live Process and phones Good inter-facility communication Having the communications directory available Sending staff with patients to receiving facilities Assessing and discharging patients to home to free up beds at evac and receiving facilities Staff representation participating including: pharmacy, nursing, program managers, medical staff, admissions, administration and facilities. Setting up incident command
Areas For Improvement More Coalition involvement from EMS, EM and PH Need Training on Live Process. And have more staff members trained on the system. Expand Coalition Membership Use of IRP radio’s Utilize coalition partners more. ie: Health Departments, Emergency Management and Long Term Care Providers. Need a tracking system in place for patients transferred Better understanding of resources available within the HCC
PERFORMANCE MEASURES – EXERCISE RESULTS SUMMARY Regions 1 , 2 , 3/4 , 6/7 PM15 Time in minutes for the last evacuating facility to report the # of patients to be evacuated after the start of Phase 1 30 Minutes PM16 Time in minutes for the HCC’s last potential receiving facility to report the total # of available beds in Phase 1 40 Minutes PM17 Time in minutes for the HCCs to identify an appropriate mode of transport for the last evacuating patient. 79 Minutes
PERFORMANCE MEASURES – EXERCISE RESULTS SUMMARY PM18 Percent of patients at the evacuating facilities that are identified as able to be: a.) discharges safely to home or b.) evacuated to receiving facilities during Phase 1: Evacuation exercise and Phase 2: Post-Evacuation Conference Call. # of patients at evacuating facilities identified as being able to be discharged to home during Exercise Phases 1 & 2 81 Patients # of patients at evacuating facilities identified as being able to be evacuated during Exercise Phases 1 & 2 165 Patients Total # of patients at all evacuating facilities at the beginning of Phase 1: Evac Exercise 270 Patients Total # of acute-care patients in the Coalition, as determined prior to start of the exercise (use total # from Form B: Data on Coalition Beds) 1,021 Patients
PERFORMANCE MEASURES – EXERCISE RESULTS SUMMARY PM19 Percent of evacuating patients with an appropriate bed identified at a receiving health care facility in 90 minutes. Total # of beds identified at all receiving facilities at the end of Phase 1 during Phase 1: Evac Exercise 217 Beds # of patients at evacuating facilities identified as being able to be evacuated during Phase 1: Evac Exercise 194 Patients
PERFORMANCE MEASURES – EXERCISE RESULTS SUMMARY PM20 Percent of evacuating patients with acceptance for transfer to another facility that have an appropriate mode of transport identified in 90 minutes. Total # of patients matched to a confirmed, appropriate mode of transport to their receiving facility at the end of Phase 1: Evac Exercise 161 Patients # of patients at evacuating facilities identified as being able to be evacuated during Phase 1: Evac Exercise 165 Patients Percentage of the HCC's acute care patients that were "placed" (discharged or transferred) in the HCC during this exercise 24%
Still To Come Region 10/11 Region 5 Region 8/9 February 26, 2019 AAR Due April 2, 2019 March 4 – March 15 2019 AAR Due April 16, 2019 April 29 – May 10, 2019 AAR Due June 18, 2019
Presented By: Lisa Green West Virginia Hospital Association Program Manager Emergency Preparedness lgreen@wvha.org