Climate change
What are some of the main causes of climate change? biggest cause of climate change is the greenhouse effect human activity
WHAT IS THE GREEN HOUSE AFFECT? greenhouse is a glass house The glass traps heat from the sun so it is warm during day and night. Our atmosphere works the same way. The problem is gasses such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, Methane and Nitrous oxide are trapping the heat in our atmosphere. Those gasses are known for being greenhouse gasses.
How are the greenhouse gasses made and how do they contribute? Water vapour water in a gas state, blocks the heat from escaping. When that happens more water can evaporate making more and more water vapour. Carbon dioxide made from carbon and oxygen. More natural ways is from decaying or living things and volcanoes. unnaturally by coal and oil. Methane traps a lot of heat made of carbon and hydrogen It is naturally made by growing rice, raising cattle (cows) and mining coal Nitrous oxide - damages the ozone layer (layer that protects us from the suns rays) -made from bacteria in soil and the ocean. -made unnaturally from some factories, power plants and plant fertilizers.
How is climate change affecting us and the world. Climate change has impacted us on earth for years and because of the hubris in humans we don’t even realize what is climate change. We already spoke on the main causes of climate change so now I will be talking about how it is affecting the earth and its attributes. The main affects are how it is affecting the natural life, such as animals, sea level, and oceans are becoming warmer. Longer, and stronger droughts crops, wildlife and freshwater supplies because of climate change. These can affect us humans by making everything more expensive, and it is affecting animal life.
What are some ways we can decrease climate change? There are many ways we can help prevent and decrease climate change. Obvious one such as using less cars or switch to electrical and stop using fossil fuel for energy which are very essential for climate change however there are multiple others that we must consider about to help slow down climate change. Other ways we can decrease climate change are: reduce air flight eat more plant based food instead of meat ( because the meat industry and production contributes to the green house emission), try to use more renewable safe energy such as solar panels, using electric or hybrid plug in cars and many more.
In conclusion we should not be arrogant or hubris to the earth In conclusion we should not be arrogant or hubris to the earth. We should do our best to save water, not litter and keep our earth clean. Because it is our future and it’s up to you to take care of it.
Citations: “Climate Change Causes: A Blanket around the Earth.” NASA, NASA, 8 Aug. 2018, Accessed on October 22, 2018 NASA, NASA, Biello, David. Accessed on October 22, 2018 PEXELS Biello, David. “10 Solutions for Climate Change.” Scientific American, 26 Nov. 2007, solutions-for-climate-change/. Accessed on October 22, 2018 /11-actions-fight-climate- change/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4bjis_eL3gIVi8p kCh0m1QFEEAAYASAAEgLaWPD_BwE This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC