Chapter 10
House of Representatives Missouri Compromise 11 slave states 11 free states House of Representatives 81 slave states 105 free states Purpose: To compromise on the admittance of Missouri as a state 1) Missouri = slave state Maine = free state 2) North of 36°30’N in Louisiana Purchase = free territory Northwest Ordinance – No state northwest of Ohio River could be slave state
United States rail network - 1870
Marshall’s Supreme Court John Marshall – Federalist Appointed by John Adams Decisions favored strong central government Marbury v. Madison – 1803 Dartmouth College v. Woodward - 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland – 1819 Gibbons v. Ogden - 1821
Panic of 1819 B.U.S. called in its loans -> state banks had to pay off B.U.S. Land speculators in the West were unable to pay state banks Banks failed and accounts were wiped out (no insurance) Westerners became opposed to national bank.
Monroe Doctrine Restored monarchies after the fall of Napoleon created backlash against democratic movements. British and U.S had common interest in protecting Americas from aggressive European monarchies. Monroe issued declaration – 1823 Americas are free and independent from European powers U.S. opposed to European powers interfering in affairs in Western Hemisphere.