Louisiana Geographic Information Center The Roles of the Louisiana GIS Council and the Louisiana Geographic Information Center Craig Johnson Joshua Kent & Dina Sa Louisiana Geographic Information Center E-313 Howe Russell Bldg. Special Programs, SC&E
The Louisiana GIS Council (LGISC) Created by an Act of the Legislature (#922) in 1995 Purpose: Guide the sound development of geographic information systems and geographically related information technology for the state of Louisiana. Eliminate duplication of effort and redundancy in data collection and to provide for the integration of geographically related databases . Recent legislation places LGISC within the Office of Information Technology (DOA), under the state CIO (Act 772 of 2001)
The Louisiana GIS Council (LGISC) Duties: Establish GIS Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Promote GIS Use and Development in Louisiana Attract Funding for State GIS Efforts Coordinate the Acquisition of State Data Sets Facilitate Data Exchange Among GIS Users Direct the Activities of the Louisiana Geographic Information Center, LAGIC
Bylaws of the Louisiana GIS Council Rules under which we operate: Article 1: General Provisions (established, name, location) Article 2: Purpose Article 3: Duties of the Council Article 4: Membership (initial, new members, alternates) Article 5: Meetings (conditions, voting, conduct) Article 6: Officers (term, reelection) Article 7: Committees Article 8: Acceptance, Amendment & Repeal
Becoming a Member of the Louisiana GIS Council Highest Appointing Authority, Examples: Senate: appointed by the President of the Senate Most State Agencies: Secretary of that Agency Office of the Gov., DOA: appointed by the Commissioner of Administration Local government organizations: are appointed by the Governor from a list of three names submitted by the association and subject to confirmation by the senate (with the exception of the LAPDD, which is not subject to senate confirmation).
Major Resolutions of the GIS Council Data Sharing (1996) Metadata Standards (1998 & 2002) Recognition of Digital Geospatial Data (2001) IT Implementation Plan, Response to the CIO (2001) Framework Data Implementation Team Initiative or “I-TEAM” (2001 & 2003) http://www.doa.state.la.us/lgisc/index.htm
Permanent Committees of the GIS Council Data Sharing Committee (1995) Geospatial Working Group (1999) Technical Support Committee (1999) Digital Data Committee (2000) LAGIC Oversight Committee (2000) I-Team Steering Committee (2001)
Role of the Louisiana Geographic Information Center (LAGIC) Staff and administrative support to the state GIS Council Provide GIS technical assistance Assist with geo-spatial data distribution and documentation Training and Outreach Provide technical support to LouisianaMAP (geospatial portal) and implement the LouisianaMAP Academy
LAGIC’s Online Catalog of Resources (http://lagic.lsu.edu) 80+ statewide data layers Resource Inventory Training Opportunities GIS Primer Metadata Workbook Announcements: Council, Workshops…
LouisianaMap Portal Louisiana Geographic Information Center (LAGIC) is responsible for design, development, integration, and ongoing technical support for the portal Portal will contain the framework and other high interest data layers Portal will provide services for discovery, access, dissemination, and use of geographic information as well as training and outreach
LouisianaMap Academy Plan An outreach program focused on application of the LouisianaMAP portal capabilities by government, individuals, businesses, and communities with Louisiana interests Both classroom and online delivery settings Statewide in coverage Developed and administered by LAGIC Begins with initial launch of Portal
SUMMARY Council is governed by its enabling legislation. The Bylaws enable the Council to make changes to its operating procedures allowing it to meet new challenges and opportunities. In the past, LAGIC was primarily concerned with providing administrative support to the GIS Council and proving training and outreach. Our role has expanded to coordinating the I-Team Initiative and developing the geospatial portal, Louisiana MAP. Future, we will be developing additional web services, working more closely with state and local governments to assist with their GIS development and training users through the LouisianaMAP academy.
LAGIC Contact Information Craig Johnson cjohnson@lsu.edu Josh Kent Dina Sa jkent4@lsu.edu dsa@lsu.edu http://lagic.lsu.edu 578-3479 phone 578-7289 fax