Early Childhood Education Licensure talk Oct 30, 6:30 p.m. 42A Education
CoTE introduction Oversee all things related to licensure Here tonight to talk about process of actually getting licensed. Obtain license as soon as you can!!!!-Regardless of other plans (grad school, Peace Corp, etc). Not protected against ISBE changes Other state licensure will likely hinge on Illinois licensure first You may apply even IF you haven’t passed all the required tests yet (I know to look for the tests)
Applying for license: Log onto your student portal Scroll down to “Prior to Licensure” and then under “Licensure Application” click on the “here” in “Click here to apply” App will ask if your are registered for or previously done student teaching. (if you have to answer no, You should not proceed). If you can answer yes honestly, click “Yes” and then “submit” Click on “Click here to add an application for licensure”
Email address-Use your most often used, most reliable email account Email address-Use your most often used, most reliable email account. Do not use your UIUC account (it goes away) Cell phone number Degree type Degree period (should correlate with the term you are finishing-if not, enter the latter). Major (should pull down/default to appropriate one). Select it. License (also should default) Select it
You will all be endorsed in Early Childhood Education (Pre K – grade 3 self contained) IF claimed prior to Sept 1, 2019. All qualify for Early Childhood Special Education (Pre Kindergarten) Beginning with you folks this should appear as an endorsement rather than an approval If you want to teach Special Education Kindergarten-Grade 3, will need to meet requirements for Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement (entire grad program if at UIUC) If you want any OTHER endorsements, you’ll need to apply for them through ISBE AFTER claim your teaching license. Comments Allows you to convey information that application does not otherwise allow. Example” I am taking a Physical Science course (GEO 103) at Parkland this semester (Fa’17) to satisfy a Gen Ed. I will send transcript as soon as I can.”
Must click the submit “button” Signature - must “sign” (check the box) stating you understand your responsibilities) Must click the submit “button” If you don’t submit, all your efforts prior to this will be for naught Once you submit, you can’t go back. Don’t try to submit a second application. Contact us/me for changes/corrections
The next day, you should receive an email which says the CoTE has received your application. Your portal should reflect it too. AFTER students can no longer register for classes, I’ll begin auditing the applications for that term (generally in the order I receive them). I will run a DARS report or pull the graduate audit completed earlier and ensure everything is complete or in progress. Undergrads: You should also run a DARS report for yourself (to avoid very unpleasant surprises). Don’t ignore what your adviser tells you either. Problems? I will either contact you or your records officer.
End of final semester processing (Things I’ll be looking for): If everything appears to be on track I will hold your application until end of spring or summer term (whichever term you’re finishing) End of final semester processing (Things I’ll be looking for): Mandated reporter acknowledgement Early Field Experience hours (at least 80). You should have a lot more than that. Student Teaching Time Report Be accurate and fairly descriptive. This is only record we will have of your Student teaching
Safety Training confirmation Tests Content test (before student teaching) EdTPA Degree (must appear on transcripts!!!) Spring graduates – late May or middle June 2019 Summer grads – Late summer 2019 If you need to be licensed immediately, talk to your records officer (Hannah Rogers) in the College of Education to ensure your degree is posted on the first “cycle” AND then contact me. Departmental Recommendation Should come automatically from Jay Mann if you meet all responsibilities.
You must request your UIUC transcripts be sent to ISBE https://registrar.illinois.edu/academic-records/transcripts/ Request that they be held until AFTER the current semester DEGREE’S have been posted. Send them to the Illinois State Board of Education Educator Licensure division. You can request that they be sent by paper or electronically (we don’t care) The transcript office will send you a confirmation to your email address that they’ve received your request Forward this confirmation to me at jbuck@Illinois.edu. Otherwise, I have to wait until they appear on your ELIS account To speed things up, we only need proof that you’ve requested them and NOT that they’ve actually been sent. On our website, under “Current Students” and then “Links” there are directions for ordering them (ostensibly under “How to Order Transcripts”)
“Claiming” your license We will contact you at email address you provided. Will provide a link to the ELIS/Educator credentials website with basic instructions Click on this link. Follow steps. ISBE now requires you fill out a survey before you can claim your license. Be prepared to pay by credit card Here is an ISBE tutorial: https://vimeo.com/180605529 Be SURE to use the ELIS account that already exists for you. DON’T create any new ones.
Ensure your Early Childhood Special Education approval/endorsment appears before you finish process If it’s not there, you can receive it later but ISBE will charge you to have it added. After you claim your license, you will need to register your license with a district Register it with the district where you plan to work or, short of this, where your permanent address is located Or ANYWHERE!!!!! You can move it later as necessary. Make sure to register your license somewhere. If you do not, after 6 months it will become lapsed and you’ll have to take classes or pay $$$ to get it back.
You will register it for 5 fiscal years at a time (60 dollars) If you forget, ISBE should send you an email with instructions for registration! Go into the action center on your ELIS main page You will register it for 5 fiscal years at a time (60 dollars) Be prepared to pay by credit card. ISBE no longer mails paper copies of license There is place in your ELIS account where you can print your credentials Any school district or agency with your first and last name can do a “public search” in the ELIS/Educator Credentials site
Later If you are teaching out of state and can’t/don’t amass 120 Professional Development hours in Illinois, be sure to change your status to “exempt” Be sure to renew your license within 5 years or it will become “lapsed.” Can renew license on the same website (ELIS/Educator credentials) where you claimed it. They should contact you at the email you provide them so keep checking that email.
Be sure you request your test scores be sent to Illinois Be certain your SSN is accurate and any/all other identifying data matches what you used when you set up your account (errors may delay licensure). Can/should check your tests on Student portal and on your ELIS account. If they don’t appear (after the score report date), you may have used an erroneous SSN
Keep test scores forever-May need them for out for grad school or Out-of-State certification You can later obtain your test scores (through ILTS) BUT they will charge you for this.
You are going to receive a “Professional Educator License” (PEL) Endorsed in Early Childhood self-contained general education (Pre K-3) (if claimed before Sept 1, 2019. After that date, it is Pre K-2). Also endorsed in Early Childhood Special Education Some “antiquated” applications may ask for outdated nomenclature about your qualifications: “Types” have gone away HOWEVER If an application insists on asking for a type, select “04” “Initial” “Standard” and “National Board Certified” have also gone away too. HOWEVER If an application insists on asking, select “initial”
Certification in other states Likely will require Licensure in Illinois first Other states may have program verification form. Send form to CoTE to fill out. If you obtain it before you graduate, give it to us and we’ll hold it with your application until such time as we can fill it out. “U.S. Teacher Licensure Offices” under “Links” in www.cote.illinois.edu If you ask us how to get certified in another state, we’ll likely only refer you to this link for information on contacting the respective states. There is a link to information on “Reciprocity” as well
Summary Email jbuck@illinois.edu Location: 1310 S. Sixth Street, Rm 130 (Education bldg) Website: www.cote.illinois.edu Email jbuck@illinois.edu Include your UIN Urgent timely matters? Don’t use email. No appointments scheduled by email. Call office: (217) 333-2804