The CDC needs your help. A deadly virus is sweeping the US The CDC needs your help. A deadly virus is sweeping the US. It is attacking parts of cells and killing its victims in a matter of hours. Make the right choices and save the world. Research the topics and proceed with caution. Click the icon to continue:
A virus is very simple. It consists of RNA and a protein shell A virus is very simple. It consists of RNA and a protein shell. The virus will enter a person and use cells to manufacture more viruses. As the new virus fill up the cell the cells burst. This particular virus is only attacking parts of a cell. To understand how to stop it we must first begin to understand cells.
10micrometers 30micrometers 300micrometers Just how big are cells? Click the following link to learn about the size of cells. As you slide the bar to see smaller images remember that a meter is 39 inches! Research cell size here: How big are human skin cells? Click and follow the link 10micrometers 30micrometers 300micrometers
Red Blood cells are small. Close to 10 micrometers Red Blood cells are small. Close to 10 micrometers. You need to do better research! Click the link to continue
Red Blood cells are small. Close to 10 micrometers Red Blood cells are small. Close to 10 micrometers. You need to do better research! Click the link to continue
Amoeba cells are large. Close to 500 micrometers Amoeba cells are large. Close to 500 micrometers. You need to do better research! Click the link to continue
If cells are so small how can we see them? Research the invention of the microscope. As you read about the microscope reflect on how technology is important to scientific discoveries. Follow this link to research the microscope. Pay close attention to the events from 1590-1931 Who first used a microscope to view cells? Robert Hooke Ernst Abbe Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
Correct! Hooke first used a microscope to view cork cell. Even though the cells were from a dead part of wood he recognized that they were important to all living things. He thought they looked like the rooms in a monastery, so he called them “cells”. They may remind you of the cells in a jail! Click the link to continue.
Incorrect. You need to do careful research Incorrect. You need to do careful research. We can’t afford these errors!
Incorrect. He did see living things, but not the first cells Incorrect! He did see living things, but not the first cells. We cannot have too many set backs! Read more carefully!
Once cells were discovered…you won’t believe what happened next! People started wondering why cells are significant. This curiosity led to many people interested in simply observing cells. People began to discover cells all around them, including in a drop of pond water. Carefully observe the organisms in this drop of pond water. What conclusions can you make? All living things are made of cells Some living things are made of cells
The cell theory The cell theory includes a statement of several facts about cells and the role they play in biology. Investigate the cell theory time line and write down the principle parts of the theory, who contributed to it and when the occurred. Who would you want to interview to find out more about the cell theory? Kolliker Brown Schwann
Characteristics of life All living things have some distinct characteristics. What are the characteristics of al l living things? Do some research on the characteristics of life . Are cells alive? Which characteristic best answers the question? Number 1 Number 3 Number 6
Hi Guten Tag! My name is Albert. And I helped to discover some important things about cells. Click the biohazard icon to continue
What What did you study? Hi I was bon in Zurich and went to the university of Berlin. I mostly studied animals with out backbones , also called invertebrates.
What What can you tell me about the cell theory? Hi I helped to discover some new techniques for using microscopes. I also found out that sperm and eggs are actually cells!
What Well ,thank you for your time and for the information. Hi I am glad that you are investigating cells. If there is any other way I can help, Let me know.