Pentadentate Mannich Route Indolyl Scorpionate Route Well-Defined Initiators for the Synthesis of Biodegradable Polymers from Biorenewable Resources Yutan D. Y. L. Getzler Dept. of Chemistry, Kenyon College lactide PLA As fossil fuels diminish, annually renewable feedstocks will be a necessity. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) has many of the desirable properties of petroleum derived plastics such as polyethylene. Added features of PLA include biodegradability and production from plant-based starch via lactide monomer. PLA is already in commercial production. We aim to produce new PLA topologies with interesting properties, including the possibility of easier processing. These new topologies may also be interesting to rheologists. Our proposed synthesis of anticipated lactide polymerization initiators is nearly complete and we have begun research on a second group of putative initiators. Metalation of both species is underway. starch compost Pentadentate Mannich Route Indolyl Scorpionate Route photo: Bob Keiser