Smart Metering Implementation Programme January 2013
Representations sought At December UKLC we proposed: Existing UK Link System flows (including those as part of the SPA process) would provide the extended allowable values for Meter_Mechanism_Code. i.e. ‘NS’; ‘S1’; ‘S2’ Data Enquiry will provide only those values related to Smart Meters in the Community View (referred to as ‘Triangulation View’ in SPAA Schedule 23). i.e. non Smart values – e.g. ‘CR’, ‘PP’ - will not be displayed in this view In order for a user to view the additional data items in the Community / Triangulation View in Data Enquiry the user shall be required to confirm (via a tick box) that it has the permission of the customer to view the data In December change pack we requested specific representations on the above.
Approvals Xoserve further proposed at UKLC that provided no negative representations were received regarding the proposed approach and solutions within the representation window, then we will assume that the indicative decision received at the UKLC meeting in December has been formally ratified. 1 positive representation received Formal approval sought 1st April 2013 Implementation
Population of Data Previously highlighted that Smart Meter Equipment Technical Specification information would be provided by Users to Transporters via RGMA Flows Proposed that this will be undertaken for existing population following cutover Users will be requested to provide ONUPD records to populate SMETS values in Meter Mech Code Propose that Users will contact Xoserve to agree submission timescales 625k Smart Meters in situ as at Sep 12 (Source: DECC) Estimated that circa 700k meters in situ by April 13 Views?