Mole Day
Mole Day Mole Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated among chemists on October 23, between 6:02 AM and 6:02 PM, making the date 6:02 10/23 in the American style of writing dates. Mole Day originated in an article in The Science Teacher in the early 1980s.
FHS Mole Day Due to time and where we were in the curriculum we could not celebrate Mole Day in October, but now would be a great time. You will also have the opportunity to win free assignment passes, free quiz, and +5 point on an exam of your choice.
FHS Mole Day You will need to complete 2 mole day projects to earn up to 50 points. 1 from the Fun and Silly Category 1 from the Fun and Educational Category + Work Cited Page You must sign up for what projects you will be completing. Sign up sheet will be posted on chemical hoods.
FHS Mole Day Fun and Silly (Pick 1) Mole costume party (dress up like a mole or mole inspired tee shirt) Sew-a-Mole Make a Mole-Day Drawing or Art Piece Make a Mole-Day Photo Make a Mole- Day Wood or Welding Piece Make a Mole-yattas-- filled with tootsie "moles" Make Mole Day treats: Moleasses cookies, Avogadro Dip, Taco-mole sauce, ect.
Fun and Silly: Mole costume party Dress up like a mole or make a mole inspired tee shirt. To get credit you must wear your shirt/ costume the day of our party (all day).
Fun and Silly: Sew a Mole The sewing patter for your moles is on Mrs. Askew’s Website. Examples: Napolean Dynamole (Napolean Dynamite) Holy Moly (priest, nun, rabbi, ...) Moledemort (Voldemort) Moledonna (Madonna) The Little Mermole (The Little Mermaid) Bernie Mole and Mole Trump
Fun and Silly: Sew a Mole
Fun and Silly: Sew a Mole
Fun and Silly: Sew a Mole More ideas--- just google “chemistry stuffed mole” Askew Mole Day project Requests:
Fun and Silly: Mole Poster or Other Medium Funny Poster must be in color. Could use other art techniques, such as clay, paint, or metal. Art, Photo, Graphic Design, Wood, Welding … make this cross- curricular
Fun and Silly: Mole-yattas You could fill it with tootsie "moles" We will bust it open on the day of the party
Fun and Silly: Make a Mole Day Treat
Fun and Silly: Make a Mole Day Treat Anything with caramel… or should I say cara“ mole” Anything in a bowl… oh should I say “mole”
Fun and Silly: Make a Mole Day Treat Lemonade aka Lemolade Cola aka Mola Molasses Cookies or anything else with Molasses Mole Sauce This is a traditional Mexican sauce - pronounced mol-lay. Guacamole plus it's made with avocado (Avogadro)! Anything with Avocado (play on Avogadro) A Jello Mold aka Jello Mole Mulberry Pie or Mulberry Muffins aka Molberry Granola aka Granmola
Fun and Silly: Make a Mole Day Treat Your required to use an index card or make a sign that has the name of your treat. Please- Nothing with nuts, due to allergies!
Fun and Silly Question or other ideas?
Fun and Educational 1st decide on a Fun and Educational Topics History of Avogadro History of Jean Perrin (1st to determine 6.02E23) Steps of dimensional analysis Chemistry unit conversion History of Mole Day How Big is a Mole This History of the Mole How the Mole is used in the real world Lots of other possibility….
Fun and Educational Fun and Educational Design an educational poster (posted in display case). Make a chemistry mole-bile to hang from the ceiling. Create a Mole Day Songs (prerecorded or live). Make a Mole-vie
Fun and Educational Fun and Educational Make a display of various substances that each contain one mole (such as a container with one mole of table salt) Write a Mole Day poem, story, or Create a Mole Day comic book. Create a Mole Day board game: Mole-opoly, a Chemistry Land (Candy Land), etc.
Educational It must be educational to those that listen, look, or play with your project. Rule of thumb---use more facts--- aka do some research. Every educational project must have a Work Cited Page in MLA format turned in to accompany their project. Research something….. Avagadro.. Mole day….number of facts totally depends you need to do research… do not plagerize… no works cited mobile 6 facts… graded out of 25 points the more information you give me the more you get
Work Cited Page Must be typed No minimum, but do good research Any project that is plagiarized will receive a zero. Do not copy and paste! Research something….. Avagadro.. Mole day….number of facts totally depends you need to do research… do not plagerize… no works cited mobile 6 facts… graded out of 25 points the more information you give me the more you get
Mole Day Party Activities How many moles of NaCl and Sugar? Prize: Free Practice Assignment Pass Vote on best Fun and Silly Project Prize: Free Quiz (can make any quiz grade an 8) Vote on best Fun and Educational Project
Mole Day Party Think about it tonight… sign up Tomorrow. This is an out of class assignment, there will be no class time. This is an individual assignment Mole Day party will be on______________.