KEY CONCEPT Phenotype is affected by many different factors.
Phenotype can depend on interactions of alleles. In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant nor completely recessive. Heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between the two homozygous phenotypes Heterozygous is like a “blend”
List the genotypes. 4RW List the phenotypes. 4 Pink W W R W R W R pink Example: Cross a homozygous red carnation flower (RR) with a homozygous white flower (WW). List the genotypes. 4RW List the phenotypes. 4 Pink W W R W R W R pink pink R W R W pink pink
List the genotypes. 2RW, 2WW List the phenotypes. 2 Pink, 2White R W R Example: Cross one heterozygous pink (RW) 4 o’clock flower with a White flower (WW). List the genotypes. 2RW, 2WW List the phenotypes. 2 Pink, 2White R W R W W W W pink white R W W W pink white
Codominance red white roan Defined: When both alleles are dominant and equally expressed The colors do NOT blend together, but are equally seen Ex: Cattle Coat Red cow x White cow = Roan Cow Ex: Human Blood types Type A x Type B = Type AB red white roan
Blood types are another example of codominance. The ABO blood types result from codominant alleles This blood group consists of 3 different alleles Dominant A allele Dominant B allele Recessive O allele A and B are equally dominant Many genes have more than two alleles.
B B A A B A B A B A B List the genotypes. 4AB List the phenotypes. Ex: Cross Jason who is homozygous for type A blood with Maria who is homozygous for type B blood. List the genotypes. 4AB List the phenotypes. 4 type AB blood B B A A B A B A B A B
B o A o A B A o B o o o List the genotypes. 1AB, 1Ao, 1Bo, 1oo Ex: Cross Mike who is heterozygous for type A blood with Lisa who is heterozygous for type B blood. List the genotypes. 1AB, 1Ao, 1Bo, 1oo List the phenotypes. 1 type AB blood 1 type A blood 1 type B blood 1 type o blood Probability of Heterozygous individual? 75% B o A o A B A o B o o o
Many genes may interact to produce one trait. Polygenic traits are produced by two or more genes. Order of dominance: brown > green > blue.
An epistatic gene can interfere with other genes. This is like a “knock out” gene
The environment interacts with genotype. Phenotype is a combination of genotype and environment. The sex of sea turtles depends on both genes and the environment Height is an example of a phenotype strongly affected by the environment.