WP3 WP leader - MSE Work Plan and Progress Update November 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

WP3 WP leader - MSE Work Plan and Progress Update November 2018

WP3 Work Plan Task 3.1: perform a scan of recent and ongoing European projects and initiatives (including COLUMBUS) to identify which ones can contribute directly to the mapping activities in WP5 and WP6 [Note: interact with WP5] Task 3.2: analyse how the KETs identified in the project map onto the value chains identified in Blue Growth studies (the original Blue Growth analysis and subsequent reports by Ecorys on behalf of DG Mare) [Note: ideas on methodology feed back into Task 3.1] Task 3.3: elaborate a detailed plan addressing the future of the KETmaritime network

Task 3.1 – Completed Task 3.1: Project Inheritance perform a scan of recent and ongoing European projects and initiatives (including COLUMBUS) to identify which ones can contribute directly to the mapping activities in WP5 and WP6 [Note: interact with WP5] Results: Database of relevant projects created, drawing on: Database developed for WP5 COLUMBUS EMODNET Waterborne TP Global Technology Trends (LR) Major sub-sectors of Blue Economy identified, compatible with the segmentation of the DG Mare blue growth studies (feedback from Task 3.2)

Task 3.2 – Partly Complete Task 3.2: Value Net Mapping analyse how the KETs identified in the project map onto the value chains identified in Blue Growth studies (the original Blue Growth analysis and subsequent reports by Ecorys on behalf of DG Mare) [Note: ideas on methodology feed back into Task 3.1] Results Each project in Task 3.1 database mapped against: One or more KETs addressed in project One of the blue economy sub-sectors identified in Task 3.1 Distribution of projects analysed Supporting technology of ICT identified as intermediate technology drawing on several KETs Report drafted to present results from 3.1 and 3.2.

Maritime ICT advances depend mainly on three KETs Nano & Microelectronics Photonics Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Marine sensors Satellite sensors Autonomous vessels Rapid prototyping Systems dependent upon or supporting ICT applications Underwater cables Offshore robotics

Distribution of Maritime Projects across KETs

Industrial Biotechnology KET: relevance to Blue Economy

Micro & Nano Electronics KET: relevance to Blue Economy

ICT Supporting Technology: relevance to Blue Economy

Points for Discussion Approach to value net mapping input to WP5 Use value chain structure Focusing on speed-to-market for novel products and services exploiting KETs Alignment with innovation support measures Dissemination of results to date? Leave discussion on Task 3.3 until 2019.