PURE Mid-Semester Report Shashank Bansal, Marcos Garcia
Biosensors Overview R. Thusu, Sensors Online, 2010. There are a lot of different ways to do this. We use transducer to detect optical signal. 2 wired.com
Portable System Implementation Analysis of experiment: Best way to take the transmission measurement and process the data Obtain the highest sensitivity with the least noise
OUR SETUP The image on the left is our setup. At the bottom there is a LED with fixed intensity. In the middle is our biosensor with the sample. And the top is the Smartphone through which we take pictures.
Testing Setup #2 The picture on the left is of the individual parts not including the resistors on the circuit. The picture on the right is the current setup to detect refractive index changes by measuring current based on a photocell’s change in resistance.
How Far We Have Come…! These are some of the pictures I have taken using an Iphone. The image on the left is without the biosensor and on the right is with the biosensor.