NDPHS Progress Report for 2009 Marek Maciejowski Head of NDPHS Secretariat NDPHS Partnership Annual Conference Oslo, 25 November 2009 NDPHS Progress Report for 2009
Overview Presents main activities implemented by the Partnership in 2009 Refers to and is built on objectives included in the NDPHS Work Plan for 2009 Contains also progress reports of the NDPHS’ four Expert Groups and Associated Expert Group To be updated at the end of the year
Action lines (as spelled out in the NDPHS Work Plan for 2009) Action Line 1: NDPHS Project Database Action Line 2: Financing NDPHS’ and other parties’ undertakings Action Line 3: NDPHS Expert Groups Action Line 4: Ensuring coordination of regional efforts to fight trafficking in human beings Action Line 5: Cooperating with non-Partner Countries and Organizations Action Line 6: Continuing efforts to further increase the visibility of the Partnership Action Line 7: Follow-up of the Partnership evaluation
Achievements of the Partnership (examples) New NDPHS Strategy Expert Groups - highlights: Policy development and exchange: e.g. Declaration on Prison Health Project development and facilitation: e.g. regional flagship project (”ImPrim”) Organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops NDPHS contribution to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The EC proposed that the NDPHS take a Lead Partner role for the Health priority sub-area in the Strategy Project Pipeline: two calls for project proposals (~ 1.2 mln EUR from Norway) Database: over 1300 records included; constantly growing and regularly updated Information production / dissemination Outreach (also to Belarus and South-Eastern Europe)
Conclusions This year: On the whole, the Work Plan for 2009 was successfully implemented – a number of tangible results were achieved through concrete/pragmatic activities Good progress where human and financial resources were made available Missing contributions to the Partnership’s annual budget is a serious detriment The future: Active participation and engagement of all the Partners is necessary to ensure future success NDPHS Expert Groups role is very important in the new NDPHS Strategy Availability of human and financial resources (i.a. for leadership and projects) is the main prerequisite for the NDPHS to continue delivering tangible results Coordinating and Financing Mechanism (i.a. the Project Pipeline) is useful Establishment of the NDPHS Secretariat with its own legal capacity is crucial
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