What We Really Want Students to Learn Supervision in the Clinic Setting: What We Really Want Students to Learn Doug Ferguson
The supervisor, as guide and role model, should seek to be: thoughtful; insightful; measured-to-person, need and context; learned; holistic; and above all, constructively helpful. - Neil Gold
Community Legal Services 125 students per academic year 800-1,000 files per year Full representation including trials
Services Offered at CLS Criminal law Wills and powers of attorney Small Claims Court Landlord and tenant Immigration Public legal education Human rights Family law Academic appeals Mediation Intellectual property
Clinical Courses Litigation Practice – 3-5 files Criminal Law Advocacy – 3-5 files CLS Internship – 10-12 files
Student Autonomy Students are responsible for all aspects of a file, under the close supervision of a clinic lawyer Supervision designed to protect/serve clients while supporting student autonomy and learning
Compliance Can law students represent clients and appear in court? Rules for supervisor responsibilities Ultimate responsibility of supervising lawyer
Supervision Strategies Training sessions at beginning of term Student responsibilities Legal research and theory of the case Effective communication and writing
Supervision Strategies Trial and hearing preparation Ethics and professional responsibility Debriefing and next steps How do we keep track?
Supervision Strategies What are your clinic’s supervision strategies? Do you have any issues arising from supervision?
Keeping Track Incoming/outgoing documents Weekly progress reports Dockets Duty hours Regular meetings
Keeping Track Technology Student supervisors Staff meetings Future court appearances BF/tickler system
Keeping Track How does your clinic keep track of student activity on client files?
Classroom Components Lectures Simulations Ethical problems Access to justice
Student Resources Online materials with a simulation case “Going Broke with Coke” Caseworker manual Policies and procedures
What We Want Students to Learn Applying theory to real life File management Time management Advocacy skills Sensitivity to client needs Accountability and responsibility Dealing with ethical issues Importance of access to justice
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