Ho-Ramamoorthy 2-Phase Deadlock Detection Algorithm Presentation on Ho-Ramamoorthy 2-Phase Deadlock Detection Algorithm By Nitish Chaparala
Introduction Experimental Setup Result Analysis Conclusion Future Work Index Introduction Experimental Setup Result Analysis Conclusion Future Work
Cycles are checked for twice before it declares a deadlock. . Introduction Ho- Ramamoorthy 2-phase algorithm detects deadlocks when it comes across a cycle in the wait-for-graphs. Cycles are checked for twice before it declares a deadlock. .
Modified the random flood algorithm. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Modified the random flood algorithm. Deadlocks scenario is obtained while processes send messages to each other. Data-points are used to measure the number of messages sent for a certain number of processes Time taken for the execution is calculated
Result analysis Number of Messages Number of Processes
Time taken
Also, the number of messages before detecting the deadlock increases. Conclusion With the increase in the number of processes, time taken to detect the deadlock increases. Also, the number of messages before detecting the deadlock increases.
Implementing the algorithms in more scalable manner. Future work Implementing the algorithms in more scalable manner. Algorithm implementations needs to be tested on large real distributed systems. Want to analyze the performance on various topologies. The algorithm implementation can be improved to reduce/remove the false deadlock detection possibility.